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"We need a plan" Satsuki said as she looked around for the jonin. Naruto nodded,

"let's retreat in the woods for now."

The two girls obliged and followed him into the woods.

Kakashi walked back into the clearing, looking around, ready for action. Suddenly, Sakura jumped into the clearing. She had no weapons on her. Kakashi got weary, there was a feeling telling him that something was wrong. 

Sakura started charging straight at Kakashi who got into a battle stance himself. Suddenly, he heard a splash behind him. He turned around only to see two clones of Naruto jumping at him, getting a hold of both his legs.

'The clones which had slipped off, if this is how far into the battle Naruto can see, I am afraid we have a monster at our hands.'

Sakura's speed increasing, her eyes on the bells, this was her time to shine, she could finally stand on the same pedestal as prodigies, if she takes the bell that is. 

With a gap of mere meters between him and Sakura, Kakashi threw a kunai at the clones holding him, jumped up and jabbed his in knee into Sakura's stomach. Throwing Sakura down.

Sakura got up, she was not going to back down, she ran at Kakashi with her kunai out. One slash from her right, dodged. A slash from left, cutting to the top, dodged. A straight down slash in a smooth motion, dodged. 

'Time to end this' 

Kakashi started weaving hand signs, "Katon:" he shouted "gokakyu no jutsu". The fireball made its way towards Sakura rapidly, who had nowhere to hide. She closed her eyes in fear. 

When she opened them, she saw Naruto staring right back at her, his cerulean blue eyes giving off a warmth she had never felt before. He carried her bridal style and jumped back from where he had come.

Satsuki's eyes lit up in jealousy, 'why am I even jealous?'. She ignored the thought as she looked at her teammates.

"I have a plan, but it's kinda last resort" Naruto said, as his facial expressions got grave. 

Kakashi was still standing in the clearing when Naruto came crashing right at the center, someone had seemingly kicked him. 

Kakashi was about to attack but to his surprise Satsuki jumped on top of Naruto with a kunai in hand. His eyes widened. 

"Because of you we are going to fail the test" she shouted full of anger. Her hands seemingly not in her control picked up the kunai and starting stabbing Naruto repeatedly in the abdomen. 

Kakashi ran with all his might and held her hand but, before he could do or say anything, the kunai burst in smoke. Sakura emerged from it and grabbed the bells from Kakashi's waist and landed behind him gracefully. 

Satsuki's eyes widened as she threw the kunai away "you bastard!" she shouted "how the fuck did you control my whole arm, we agreed on only punching you" she said in panic. 

Kakashi who was still in doubt looked at Naruto.

Naruto sat up, while holding his abdomen. "I made a plan, that, Satsuki and I will act to fight and Sakura will catch you off guard, but for it to seem realistic I had to take extreme measures. I knew Satsuki-chan wouldn't agree, so I used a chakra string to manipulate her arm" 

Naruto explained as he showed the strings. Satsuki got off him, scared. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY, NARUTO?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED" Satsuki shouted, rage evident in her voice, her eyes bulging out. 

"Hey, we won though, didn't we?" 


Satsuki and Sakura were currently in the entrance of the new genin base, Naruto was in the hospital, recovering. 

"OK everyone, now that you all are official genin, welcome to the Konohagakure genin base. This is where you all will gather, at the end of your missions. This place has multiple apartments which you all will share with your teammates. It has all the necessities required for training and knowledge.

"Team 1 please go to room number 5, Team 2 yours will be room number 10, and team 3 your room is number 13." Asuma explained.

Satsuki and Sakura made their way towards their room, "Thank you for all your help Satsuki-chan we couldn't have passed without you" Sakura thanked Satsuki who blushed.

"Don't mention it" she said, embarrassed. 

"I am calling it a day, see you tomorrow morning" with that Sakura retreated to her room, inside the apartment. 

The apartment itself was big, being a 3-bedroom flat. Satsuki sighed as she too made her way towards her room. 


Satsuki had a rather odd dream. She was there standing in a park with her brother. She met a small boy named Naruto, she played with him, they quickly became friends. Furthermore, she used to role-play with him, from the stories she had heard through her father and mother. 

She remembers being possessive over him. Trying to get closer to him, she had a crush on the boy. Her brother used to tease her about it. She remembers being the princess in the role play and Naruto the prince, he would come riding on a horse. "I will save you, my princess" he would say and hold her. 

Oh, how she missed those days

She remembers trying to find him when her clan was killed he wasn't there for her, he had left her. . .


Satsuki got up, she checked the time, it was 3 am. The dream she has was no doubt her distorted memories.

'That boy. . .'

No doubt it's Naruto, Satsuki had a small hope in her heart, maybe he remembers her?

She slowly made her way towards Naruto's room, he was there sleeping, shirtless. She poked his cheeks. He stirred awake and asked her what's wrong?

"Naruto-kun, do you remember me? . ." 

She asked him with her voice shaking, she was scared what if he doesn't remember her, she will be all alone. 

Naruto replied with a negative, this broke her heart. He doesn't remember her. She turned back and was about to walk away, but someone caught her hand. 

"I am kidding, how can I forget my princess?" Naruto said as he pulled her on top of him. Satsuki's eyes had tears. 

"Naruto" she cried as she climbed on top of him and hugged him bawling her eyes out, "I missed you Naruto, why did you leave me. He killed them, he killed them all, why weren't you there, I hate you." She cried harder than ever, she had kept everything inside. 

The despair she felt, the pain the suffering everything and had sworn she would show it to anyone. But Naruto had a feeling of home to him. 

Naruto gently rubbed her back as she calmed down. He laid her down beside him. He got up to get water, but Satsuki didn't let him go. 

He fell back beside her and looked at her with love and affection, "I was waiting for you to remember me Satsuki-chan" Satsuki looked down, embarrassed she didn't recognize him at first, but now she did. 

"Don ever leave me again, Naruto." 

Naruto didn't say anything, he couldn't. He knew it was inevitable he would have to. He just held her closer. He nodded. 

We can live in an illusion just for a little while

can't we?

. . . 


A/N I know this was bad ;-; I am sorry this is the best I can come up with. I just had to get Satsuki and Naruto's friendship in place. Next chapter will be good, I swear. Hope you all enjoyed, please vote if you did, it keeps me happy. And comment for feedbackkk


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