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Naruto got up, feeling a weight on his chest, he looked down to see the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 

Satsuki Uchiha

He had remembered meeting her in childhood. They were really close friends too, but as circumstances had it, they were parted. Without goodbyes, without last hugs, without assuring each other they would meet again.

It had hurt. . .

He gently picked her up and took her off of him, he didn't want to wake her up. Her face was so serene. Almost ethereal, he got up gently to avoid making any creaking noises. He checked his clock:  5:00.

He sighed, as he made his way towards the bathroom. Soon he was done with splashing cold water on his face and brushing his teeth. 

He made his way outside after getting changed into his clothes. 

He chose to wear black anbu pants and just an over sized black tee on top of it. Not only that, but he collected his weapons which consisted of few dozen kunais and shurikens, few scrolls he had received from his multiple teachers in the past. 

He made his way to the nearest training ground. He sat down under a tree shade in the lotus position and closed his eyes. 

Meditation can help one achieve an inner touch with ones own self. 

'Kurama, care to explain about my abilities.' 

He heard the huge fur ball yawn as he could feel the fox nodding.

"Naruto, I am sorry, but unfortunately I really haven't figured it out, I can not figure it out until you use it in battle, but I do have some news" 

'And what might that be Kurama?' 

"Naruto, if you use any of your eyes a couple of more times you will lose the ability to deactivate them, till now you could because of me suppressing it, but once they grow strong and accustomed I will not be able to deactivate them" 

Naruto nodded, he didn't want to run around flashing his rinnegan and sharingan. He would figure something out later. 

Decided on giving up on meditation, Naruto undid a scroll and started reading about the depth of chakra manipulation. 

Satsuki woke up with a stir. She had been so comfortable sleeping on her 'pillow' but damn, it had been five minutes her pillow had gone, and she couldn't sleep anymore. 

"Fuck it" she groaned as she got up groggily and made her way towards her room, planning on getting ready and heading out for some early morning training. 

Soon enough she was and made her way towards the closest training ground. 

She saw Naruto there, reading something. He had the most serene look on his face, his white strands of hair brushing against his eyes, his single red strand had faded considerably, she wondered how. 

She made her way towards him and plopped down beside him. 

"Good morning Satsuki" 

She didn't reply, rather she didn't want to. Yesterday was a mistake, even if she had wanted for it to happen and could have resisted, but she couldn't just forgive him. 

"Satsuki, look, I get you are mad. But I am not the one to be blamed, I was long gone." He tried to reason. 

"No, Naruto you LEFT me, you didn't tell me where you were going. I was left alone. Do you have any idea how much I suffered?" She released her pent-up anger. "You promise me the world, Naruto. You told me we would be together always, and then you just fucking leave, how is that fair". 

Common Enemy - A Naruto fanfic (narutoxfemsasuke)Where stories live. Discover now