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Naruto sat down on ichiraku's bench, he didn't order anything which caused the owner, Teuchi to stare at him for a few seconds but moved on.

'Hey Kurama, explain all the doujutsu business going on, quick.'

Kurama sighed in his deep voice, coughed as if getting ready to talk big and then started

"OK kid, listen, let's get over with the easy stuff. You have Madara's eternal mangekyou its ability? well I will tell you that later. Its in your right eye, you also have the rinnegan in your right eye

'So basically a mangekyou and rinnegan in my right eye which somehow fused together?'

"Yes, moving on. This means that in all, your doujutsu's have an overall of 2 unique abilities, 1 from the mangekyou and one from the rinnegan. I found out all the basic abilities of the rinnegan let me share it with you, the rinnegan has six paths preta, ashura, animal, deva, naraka and human. Then there is a special ability which is granted with different rinnegan for instance, Madara's rinnegan ability is limbo, but say if the rinnegan was passed down to you, the ability will change. The tricky part is your rinnegan have evolved, so there possibly may be a 3rd ability to your eyes, but it's not confirmed yet."

Naruto nodded 'that's enough for now tell me my known abilities later and tell me about what each path can do later' with that Naruto cut off his link with Kurama and sighed. It sure was a lot of information to take in.

He heard shuffling of feet behind him, he turned to see none other than Satsuki. "You have some questions to answer" she said rather sternly, taking in consideration his rude behavior he nodded.

"How do you know Itachi and what is your business with him?" she asked him.

Naruto sighed, "I know Itachi because of my sensei, he took me out of the village to train, he made me meet lots of people, one day I encountered Itachi out in the woods near the outskirts of rain village."

Satsuki nodded, she seemed content for now. "Who has trained you?" Naruto questioned her, he needed to know. She seemed hesitant for the first few seconds, but finally decided to give in.

"It's a man, Tobi, he didn't show me his face."

Naruto's eyes widened, Tobi, Naruto knew him, he was with him for a few years. Naruto exhaled, contemplating all the possible alteration he would have to make. He sighed once again when he heard the loud pink head shout his and Satsuki's name.

They made their way to a clothe shop first. The girls separated from him as he continued to find some optimal clothes for himself, white was too noticeable. He finally settled with a black kimono which suited the whole stealth style. He then added a black hakama, which is nothing but a samurai style pants. In addition with it, he bought some white tape, to tighten the hakama from the bottom (a/n kinda like they do in demon slayer, there is an image of a hakama at the top Naruto will tighten it at the bottom just like tanjiro), and to wrap up his arms.

His kimono came down till his mid-thigh it was all black, it seemed perfect to Naruto the sleeves of the same kimono came only till his elbow which allowed movement perfectly well.

Satsuki had to admit she liked this, checking out clothing and trying them on for 30 minutes, they did the trial and error method and settled down with a few clothes. She had bought a black crop top and black leggings for training. Sakura, who had forced her to buy some casual wear too, got some really nice hot pants for Satsuki which she loved.

Sakura herself got a few beautiful dresses for casual wear and got a black dress similar to her pink one but just darker and got some leggings too.

Both the girls moved out of the store after the purchase just to see Naruto already standing there.

"Damn girls do waste a lot of time" and that caused Naruto a round of beating.

The trio moved on to a weapon store, Naruto and Satsuki made their way to the request corner while Sakura went over to get herself some better kunai.

"I need you to sharpen my sword" Naruto said as he placed his katana on the counter, the blacksmith nodded and looked at Satsuki, who spoke after a few moments of pause "I would like a katana forged" the blacksmith nodded "anything else?"

"Yes, I would like some of those three-pronged kunai just like the yondaime hokage" Naruto requested. The blacksmith looked surprised that order hadn't come to him in years, he seemed delighted as he nodded. Naruto ended up ordering 20 of them, which cost him 200 yen and an extra hundred for the sword sharpening.

"Come by tomorrow to collect your orders" he said to Naruto and Satsuki who nodded and left.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes" Naruto complimented.
"Has anyone ever told you that you are annoying" Satsuki retorted.

"Oh come on, you know you like me" Naruto said with a smug smile, which caused Satsuki to blush a little.

"You look cute when you blush" Naruto delivered the final shot.

"Sh-shutup" Satsuki blurted out, which caused Naruto to gain a triumphant smile.

He held her chin and forced her to look into his eyes, "you do Satsuki-chan" he said in a serious tone. The mischief dancing behind his blue eyes.

Satsuki went red as she stared blankly, Naruto left her chin and made his way out.

Satsuki was confused nobody had been so challenging to her, nobody dared to openly flirt with her, yes boys did flaunt over her but no one was so direct. She kinda liked it, she looked at the retreating figure of Naruto as she blushed once more.

She shook her head of unnecessary thoughts as she made her towards Sakura with only one thing repeating in her head

'you look cute when you blush'


and that's that, hope you all enjoyeddd

next chapter is rather action packed, so wait up till it's released

and why don't I bloody have any major activity yet, please spread my story, vote if you like it comment try to keep it alive please

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