Percy: Don't lie to your moms, kids. Turns out that rule is too late for me

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Chaper nine

"Mom?" I yell, walking into my parents house. I had the day off and while Amber was at school, I decided I should talk with the one person who understands me- my mom.

"Percy? Is that you?" I hear my mom yell back before I see her walk around the corner, a smiloe appearing on her face. "I didn't know you were coming by today, hun."

"Niether did I. I, uh, wanted to to talk to you about something," I say, slightly nervous.

"Oh well come on in. We'll sit at the kitchen table, I make some coffee."

And thats how five minutes later I have put myself into a position where I have to talk to her.

"So um, you know An-," I stop to correct myself, "Beth?"

"The mother of my only granddaughter? I'm familiar," my mum responds jokingly.

"Yeah her. uh turns out, she has moved back to town."

"Oh," he smile fades.

"Yeah," I respond stupidly.

"Have you talked to her? Does she wanna be a part of Amber's life?"

"Briefly, but not about that sooo... no?" I say, still quite nervous.

"Has she moved on?"

"She moved on a long time ago, mum," I say quietly.

"Like as in shes married with kids?"

"I haven't seen a ring, nor have I ever seen her with a man in public, but according to Calypso, who I saw the other day, she does have a kid." I will admit, the last bit was mostly a lie, but how am I supposed to tell my mother that the woman my family has hated for the past five years because she left me to persue her dreams and I to be stuck with her child all alone was all a lie? I had always planned on leaving this stupid city, but nope, she got to do what she wanted and I had to be stuck here in suburban Malibu, California. I refuse to hate her even if she left me here, when I begged her to stay, she still left me.

"Do her and Cal still talk?"

"I have no idea mom, how am I to know that?"

"Sorry sorry you're right," my mom apologizes.

We continue to to talk for a while, eventually moving of the topic of my ex before I have to go pick up Amber from school.

Aparently, I can never watch wher I'm going and accidentally run (literally) into the worst person to run into at my daughter's school- Annabeth Chase-Grace.

"Shit sorry," I sat before realizing she is holding the hand of our daughter. I cover my mouth.

Beth laughs at me while Kat seems to look up at me in wonder, not seeming to notice I just swore in front of her.

"I have to get moving but I'll see you around, Annie," I say before walking off. I realize on the way to Amber's classroom that I acidentally called her the name I called her all those years ago, bring back memoerie on the beach as both young kids and teenagers.

Hours later, all I can still think about is how it totally slipped my mind that she only goes by Beth, as Annie was the name her now late mother called her, along witb some close family and friends. How could I be so stupid?

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