Annabeth: It Lasts Forever

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Chapter eighteen

There's only been one think on my mind in the past three days. Percy.

In the past five years I wondered if we would ever meet again and here we are. I was always hoping he would come back for me but what if there's someone else? What if he doesn't love me anymore what if-

I am pulled out of my thoughts when my phone rings. I look at it. Percy.

"Hi?" I ask picking up the phone.

"Hi," he responds.

"What's up?"

There's a pause on his line. Then a sigh

"Are you married?" He asks bluntly.

"Um, no?"

There's another pause before I ask, "Are you?"

"Of course not. And you're currently not seeing anybody?"

"Percy, I have to be honest with you. I haven't dated a single person since the day we split," I say honestly.

"Thank god, I haven't either."

He hasn't?

Has he been... waiting? For me?

"I've kinda been hoping that one day you'll come back. And I could kiss you again. And I know you've back back for weeks, months even and now I can't miss my opportunity to love you again, Beth."

Holy shit. He did not just say that.

"Can we meet in person? Somewhere, maybe the caf-"

"I'm kinda already outside your hose but I didn't want to be weird so I called you first," Percy said a little sheepishly.

I run to the front door and I'll it open to see Percy standing there, looking handsome as ever. I wrap my arms around his neck and jump to the tops of my toes so I can reach his lips with mine.

I slowly let my lips connect with his and he immediately deepens our kiss.

We kiss on my doorstep, despite it being a little chilly out for what feels like forever.

"Beth, I love you. I never stopped loving you," Percy says, pulling away.

"I love you too," I reply, making a grin plaster across both of ours faces.

"Forever?" He asks.

"Forever," I say giving him a peck on the lips.


Those memories [COMPLETED] (Behind Their Backs series book 2) Where stories live. Discover now