Percy: My Daughter Probably Likes My Sister More Than Me

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Chapter Eleven


"Yes?" I ask looking up from my phone.

"How come you're always sad?" Amber says, not even looking ashamed.

"What? I'm not sad."


"Yes. Why do you think that I'm sad?"

"Because you're not married and you seem lonely because of it and everyone that is lonely is sad," Amber explains to me.

"I'm not married because I chose not to, it makes me happier to not be married. Besides, I'm not lonely. I have you."

What a lie. Even I can't believe that. Of course I'm lonely. Of course I'm sad. I have Amber but I could've had more that just her. If only I had fought a bit more.

Amber seems to believe my lie but she still presses me.

"You should go out. On a date. With a nice lady," Amber decides.

"Oh yeah? Who do you have in mind?"

"Well, most of my friends' parents are all married but there is one of my friends who has a very nice, not married mom," Amber smiles.

Do not say Beth, do not say Beth, do not say Beth.

"Who?" I ask, weakly.

"Kat's mom!"


"Yeah no that not happening," I say, getting up off the couch.

"Whyyyyyy?" Amber whines, following me. "She's so nice and pretty and I would love to have Kat as my sister."

"Ambie, you cannot just set me up on blind dates with your classmates' moms," I turn around and bend down to her level.

She made a noise of frustration and stomped off down the hallway to her room.

I let out a sigh. Why is my life this complicated?


"Perce, I'm here!" My step sister yells, followed by the slam of the front door.

"Kitchen," I reply.

"You know I have a doorbell right?" I ask as she enters the kitchen.

"Yup," she smiles as she sits on my stool at my counter.

"So what's new with you?" Piper asks.

"Well you know the usual-" I start but am cut off with a squeal.

"There's my favourite niece!" Piper jumps off the stool and rushes to Amber's side, who had just walked into the kitchen, wearing her usual bright coloured outfit.

"Aunty Piper!" Piper picks up my daughter and spins her around while she giggles.

I just sign and go back to making dinner for the three of us.

After dinner, I sit on the couch with my sister and she leans down to play with my daughter every few minutes. We talk about everything. From her boyfriend (well exe boyfriend now I suppose), to my disappointing love life (how I still refuse to marry until I find the one again) all the way to what is for dessert (Piper brought it up. I personally had no plans but because she nagged me, I had to grab some ice cream out of the freezer for her).

At eight I tell Amber to go get ready for bed before she reluctantly trails off to her room.

Once she's gone our conversation becomes a lot more interesting.

"So Pippy do you wanna explain why I got a phone call from your number a few weeks ago death threatening me?" I ask, watching her face change with every word.

"Uhhh no I do not because I didn't call you a few weeks ago?" She says like is a question.

What? I truly expected her to fess up.

"I don't believe you. See look," I say, pulling out my phone to show her my call history.

I scroll through until I find the right date and show her.

"That is literally not my number," she says, studying the phone.

"What do you mean of course this is your number," I say. I can't believe she's lying to my right now.

"No," she rhymes off her phone number ending in 6, "That number ends in an 8."

"Oh," I say feeling kinda guilty.

"Do you not have my number in your phone?" Piper asks.

"No I suppose not. I just memorize all the numbers I need to know."

I just glanced at the phone. I didn't pay to much attention to that last number, thinking it was a six like my sisters number.

"Wait Percy you know what this means?" Piper questions me.

I shake my head.

"There's probably someone out the trying to murder you."

Well shit.

Those memories [COMPLETED] (Behind Their Backs series book 2) Where stories live. Discover now