Dear My Delightful Readers

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Dear My Delightful Readers,

I decided to make a quick little authors note because I feel like I should update you all on how this story is going.

So basically I released the eleventh and twelfth chapters yesterday which really set the story.

In chapter eleven I added more onto the whole Piper incident even though I had something like that back in chapter seven.

In chapter twelve I gave more info on the history with the whole twins thing and how all that went down.

The next chapter I write (chapter thirteen, hopefully out this or next week) will add slightly more context to chapter eleven and twelve.

Anyway the real reason I wrote this was actually to tell you about the future of those memories. So I currently cannot tell you how many chapters this whole fic will have.

At the moment, I'm leaning towards twenty or thirty chapters, but my planning for this is a lot different that one may think.

Here's how I have been writing these chapters:

1. Come up with an idea in my head

2. Totally forget the idea

3. Create new idea, kinda similar to the last

4. Write down what I think should happen when

5. Get busy and forget to release chapter

6. Add more on a few days later

7. Continue to add more on for days or weeks

8. Come up with more ideas

9. Finally release the chapter

Because it's my summer break, I have a bit more time to write when I am bored (which happens surprisingly a lot) so I'm hoping to finish these memories by the end of august when I go back to school and then finish secrets who knows when.

Moving on to secrets:

I don't know where it's going at the moment.

I'm honestly updating this story as much as I can I think I have like three chapters of secrets (give or take I honestly don't know) and add to that story as much as I can before the end of the year.

My next plan will be to actually change behind their backs after secrets. I want to add more, create more interesting chapters than that I have. If anyone else out there likes to read my fics on paging with numbers (which can be changed in wattpad story settings) you will know that btb's chapters are about 3-5 pages on average. I would like to eventually bump that up to about 10-15 pages per chapter by adding more details in the foreseeable future.

The same with those memories is also low word count. The past few chapters have been 700 words which is a lot more than btb would have had per chapter. I plan on trying to make about 1000 words per chapter (gradually of course) whereas the chapters used to be under 500 words.

So I think that's all I have to say. Those last two paragraphs were a lot but honestly they were the same words in different ways so you can do what you want with that.

Anyway thank you all so much for reading this, I love you all so very much! If you enjoy reading the Behind Their Backs trilogy, then I appreciate all of your comments and votes!



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