Percy: I Cry Like A Baby

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Chapter fifteen

Tonight, Amber and I are playing with her Barbie dolls when I get a phone call from a number I recognize but can't place. Walking into my bedroom, I pick it up.

"Hello?" I question the person on the other end.

"Hey." Wait. I recognize that voice that's- "it's Beth," Knew it. "This is Percy right? We need to talk about something. It's important."

"Yeah uh hi Beth it is Percy yes ummmm what is it that is so important?" I awkwardly ask her.

"Well I got a call-"

"Did you call me to tell me about how many people know your phone number and use it?"
I joke.

"What? No, of course not. It's about the girls can you please stop being immature, Jackson."

"Oh shit. The girls. This could be bad," I what I think, but what I say is, "Oh. Sorry."

"It's fine. So lately I've noticed the Kat has been distancing herself from me and I could figure out why. Tonight, I got a call from school. It was her teacher. She said she's being bullied," Beth tells me.

Which little piece of shit is hurting my baby girl. That kid will end up de-

"Percy? Are you still there? You've been quiet for like thirty seconds," Beth cuts me off my quiet rant through the phone.

"Right, sorry, um that really sucks but uh how can I help you here? I'm not exactly a prominent figure in her life." I say awkwardly again.

"Yeah I know. Um. Sorry. No. That's not what I meant. I was gonna continue but I was trying to piece together what I need to say," Beth says. this time it's her turn to be awkward.

"Oh, well, continue on then."

"Right. So Kat was getting bullied but I guess the teacher saw today that someone was standing up for her."

"I'm confused, Beth, why are you telling me this?" I question.

"Because Amber was standing up for Kat," Beth says, almost impatient now.

Pride swells in my heart for my daughter. I raised her well enough for her to know to stand up for other kids. I can't believe my beautiful baby girl was standing up for a girl being bullied.

"Wow," Is all I can say.

"I know. I just thought I'd let you know that you raised a strong, amazing, beautiful girl whose going to grow up to help change the world really thanks to you, perce. So thank you. You're a great dad." By the time she finishes, I'm almost crying. Nope, I lied. I'm sobbing.

"For what it's worth Beth, I think I would've been better if you were there to help me out a bit. You're a great mom and apparently you think I'm a great dad," Beth laughed at this, "But if I'm being totally honest, we would have made an amazing team."

I think I can hear Beth sniffle a little bit on the other end. I wonder if she could tell that I had been crying too?

"I agree Percy. We would have been the best. It's sucks that I left. I shouldn't have. It's all my fault," Beth says through definite tears.

"No don't blame yourself. I was mine too. I've always loved you and honestly I don't think I'll ever stop but I shouldn't have let you go." Well, here comes another fresh round of tears.

"I've always loved you too Percy. Um, I was wondering if maybe we could like get coffee or something one of these days. Ya know, just to talk," Beth queried.

"Yeah, Beth thank you I would love that. How about next Tuesday at ten?"

"I'll be there."

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