Annabeth: Parenthood Can Be Stressful, Sometimes

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Chapter Ten

Why am I freaking out about the dumbest thing ever. He called me Annie. Nobody calls me Annie anymore. Not since high school. Not since him.

Ever since two days ago when I ran into Percy fucking Jackson and our kids' school where he decided to to call me the nickname that only him and my late mother ever called me again.

Why am I such an emotional wreck over this? I cried myself to sleep that night. I had been thinking about when he loved me. When everything was okay because I knew he was mine and I was his. Everything was different then.

I miss being young. With no responsibility for anything. I'm not old. But I had to act older because that asshole decided to knock me up.

But it wasn't his fault. None of it was. I chose my dream job over my dream man. I chose Kat over Amber. I shouldn't have done that. I should've stay in stupid Malibu California. I should've known that we could've raised our two beautiful daughters together. They could have been happy. Percy could have been happy. I could have been happy.

I chose to leave him and now I don't know anything about him. He could be married for all I know. He might have more kids after Amber. If he does, I really hope that they got their dad's gorgeous sea-green eyes.


I got no sleep last night. Great. Today is family which is basically when me and my siblings get together once every two months to see my dad and step mom. This is my first one since moving back to Malibu, and I haven't been to one other than Christmas since I left.

I somehow manage to pull myself out of bed, brush my teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast and get Kat ready to go, which often proves to be almost impossible.

Once ready, I look at my phone to see it's half past eleven. We're going to meet at my dads house at twelve, and it will take at least twenty-ish minutes to get there. At least I can show up fashionably late.

When driving, I constantly notice that Kat always talks my ear off. Today it's about her new friend from school, Maryn. Thanks the gods it's not about Amber.

When we arrive I notice we are slightly late, just as I predicted. I can see Jason and Thalia have both parked outside down the street. Just great.

After unbuckling my self followed by Kat, we walk up to the front door and I knock. No answer yet. I wait. After thirty seconds I know again. Still no answer. I sigh before trying the knob. Unlocked. I push open the door. I poke my head in. I cannot see anyone in the living room. Huh, this is weird. I wonder where they may be.

I take my shoes off before I walk past the main entrence into the living room through to the dining room, with Kat following closely behind.

I hear people talking coming from somewhere on the deck, which leads out from a screen door in the kitchen. I follow the noise. Sure enough, my entire family is sitting on the back porch, laughing and getting along, which used to be normal but since my dad remarried, it really hasnt been.

The twins, now ten years old, are sitting on the three person outdoor sofa with my brother, Jason, all looking quite squishy. My sister Thalia is sitting alone on the slightly smaller sofa across the from the others while my dad and step mom both sit in their own chair.

I open the screen door. Nobody has noticed me yet but I forget how squeaky it is and my whole family looks up at me.

"Beth! Come on out! Sorry we forgot to tell you we'd be on the deck. It's just so nice out and we forgo-" My dad starts before I cut him off.

"Oh no it's fine, dad really. I agree, we should get more sunshine."

"So where is Kat?" Jason asks.

"Ummm," I turn around Kat is standing about two feet behind me. I always forget how quiet she is around other. "Here she is. Come on honey."

She takes a couple of steps forward. When she reaches my feet, I bend down and pick her up, kissing her forehead in the motion.

I step outside, Kat's legs wrapped around my waist on my right side. She's five now and has no trouble walking, but she is quite quiet around people she's not completely comfortable around. I have to pick her up else she will stay away from my parents and siblings for the rest of the afternoon.

I walk around until I get to the couch my sister, Thalia is sitting on. I sit and then set Kat down in between the two of us.

Everyone goes back to talking normally, now including me, and occasionally Kat. My dad eventually gets up and starts the BBQ, cooking burgers for us all.

We spend the afternoon catching up, I even get along with my step mom for most of the day.

Around seven that night I tell my family that Kat is getting tired and therefore we should leave. Everyone says goodbye to us before we get out the door, hugging me and my daughter, which is not something either of us are particularly used to, but we accept then wait her way before climbing into the car and driving home.

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