Percy: I Fall In Lo-... Off Of A Chair

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Chapter Seventeen

"Why me?" She asked.

"Because Beth, I loved you for a very long time and maybe I still kinda do plus there's the fact that we have twins together." I replied and for the first time, I believed myself.

She started to look teary. Oh shit. I can't believe I've made her cry again. What do I do? Pat her head? No that's stupid. Hug her? She may overthink that. Actually, she will overthink that. Oh well. Let's get this over with.

I lean across the table and give her an awkward side hug and gently press my lips to her cheek. I set my elbow down on the table so I could steady myself and give her the most awkward hug of all time.

We let go and I go to sit in my chair properly but instead I accidentally leaned back to far. The next thing I know I'm laying on my back, my head throbbing, staring at the ceiling. I heard Annabeth laughing above me before I saw her running towards me, apologizing.

I can't tell if she's apologizing for laughing or for basically being the reason I fell or maybe both.

"Here, let me help you up Percy," she said between laughs.

"Thanks," I grumbled.

She gives me her hand and I start to remember all the reasons why I loved her so much. She's perfect, beautiful, kind. She will laugh before she helps me. She loves everyone and everything. She's amazing, and I still cannot believe I let go of the best thing that ever happened to me.

She stares back at me, with a look on her face I can't quite place.

"Well, we should probably head out," I tell her.

"Yeah, you're right."

I take her jacket off the back of her chair and hand it to her. Beth smiles at me in thanks. I nod back.

As we walk out of the coffee shop, I hold the door for Beth, and she, once again, smiles at me and I smile back.

I walk her back to her car where we stand outside of the drivers' side door.

"Well thanks for the coffee," Beth says.

"Of course, anytime," I smile.

"I'll uh see you around," she says.

"Yup," I say, trying around.

I take a couple of paces before I hear her say "Percy!"

"What?" I turn my head around.

"Come back."

I slowly take a couple of steps in her direction. Before I can stop at her car, she walks towards me, grabs my face in her hands and ever so gently brushes her lips on mine.

Surprised, I take a second but then I kiss her back slowly.

After what feels like forever but was probably only thirty seconds, she pulls away from me.

"Bye," she says softly before swiftly turning around, getting in her car and pulling out of her spot.

I just stand a watch that happen, still stunned.

I cannot believe that I just kissed Beth Chase.

Those memories [COMPLETED] (Behind Their Backs series book 2) Where stories live. Discover now