Welcome "Home"

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Mao mao could see the giant mansion from the distance on his aerocycle and with a deep sigh he landed his vehicle and stared at the tall mansion before entering.

Before leaving he told his friends about his visit badgerclops and adorabat to which they were angry and also sad.

Angry mostly from badgerclops while sad for adorabat but after explaining to them and with understanding they will keep the valley safe while he is gone.

He can hear several sounds coming from multiple directions meaning that his sisters are here aswell and looked around the interior of the mansion and sighs with his eyes closed "i'm home" he whispered sadly to himself.

Next day

Mao mao woke up to the light seeping into his and got up to do his morning stretches.

Right after he entered the mansion he immediately head straight to his room cause is already night time when he arrived and he doesn't want to see any of his sisters right now.

After that he headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat thankfully his sisters always stay up late after training or doing their own thing.

With that in mind he sneak past his sisters rooms and went downstairs the irony is that he doesn't need to sneak around them cause he is small and they usually ignored him whenever he is around.

He opened the fridge and looks around to find anything to eat but there is only ingredients meaning he has to cook something fast and eat it quickly.

With a sigh he grabbed the ingredients and started making his breakfast.

A short while later he is washing the dish and utensils before going out to the back garden to resume meditating.


A cat woke up to the smell of food with drool coming out of its mouth before quickly wiping it away and let out a sleepy yawn.

The cat got up and did its morning stretches followed by a few quick jabs in front of it.

The cat quickly put on two golden bangles before exiting its room.

"Morning kowarenai" kowarenai hears a soft voice to her side and sees her older sister.

"Morning minori!" she replied loudly making minori groan and they headed downstairs only to see their other three sisters already there but they were just standing there.

Both turn to eachother before they continued walking down the stairs when they reached at the bottom of the stairs the other sisters all look back at them.

"Morning ziyou!... brunhilde!... zhihui!" kowarenai spoke loudly to each of them while minori gave silent questionable looks at them.

"Kowarenai didn't our father said not to yell in the early morning" zhihui lectured her followed with a glare while ziyou gave a soft giggle and brunhilde tiredly smile at her.

"Sorry zhihui... but i just can't wait to spend time with all of you after so long since the last few years one or two of you were not there" kowarenai replied.

"Anyway did you two also smell that?" Zhihui spoke while the other two looks at them.

"oh you mean that delicious smell" kowarenai replied with drool already starting to escape her lips followed with her tongue.

"Did one of you three make something really good?" She continued but they shook their heads.

"No but who ever it was it only made the food for itself and must have already left... also i can see it washed its dishes" zhihui explained.

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