Local Problems

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A month passed and it is in the afternoon where mao mao is currently sharpening his katana.

He hears something above and look up to see a bird that landed on his shoulder and on its leg is a scroll strapped to a string.

He realise with widen eyes that it is a emergency request and removes the string while the bird flew off.

It reads that a villager saw a group of bandits with their leader preparing for something which made the villager to request for help since they about to be raided.

After reading at the part about a group of bandits he immediately ran to the village.

Except he forgot to read further cause there are more than one bandit camps.


Brunhilde let out a yawn before heading to the training room but before she could take a step she hears someone calling her from behind.

She turned and sees zhihui floating towards her before stopping "good morning brunhilde" zhihui spoke.

"Good morning zhihui" she repiled back and they both headed towards the dining room.

Halfway they met up with ziyou who was looking out of the window before following them.

They saw minori standing near the dining table with breakfast on it and is looking around for some reason.

Minori than looks at the sisters "have any of you seen kowarenai?" Minori asked.

They look at one another before all shook their heads "strange she is usually the first to be up and waiting at the table" she spoke with confusion.

"That is indeed strange..." zhihui replied back "maybe she is still asleep?" Ziyou spoke with doubt.

"Unlikely there is not once she would miss breakfast" she spoke

They than hear someone opening the back door and saw kowarenai who is worried while looking around for something.

"Kowarenai there you are we were wondering where you went?" She spoke with a look of concern.

Kowarenai look up to see her sisters all looking at her with concern "oh... no brunhilde i was just searching for where mao mao is?" kowarenai replied while look at her sisters.

They all look at each other before looking back at kowarenai "i last saw him in the garden from the window" ziyou answered.


Back to mao mao who is now in the village asking around where the bandits live and one of the villagers point at a cliff.

After heading in that direction he come sees the camp behind the cliff and quickly hid in a nearby bush.

He spat out a few times to take out his binoculars and scout the camp.

The bandits are preparing to raid the village and he quickly swallow his binoculars before heading into a nearby bush closer to the camp.

So far so good he hasn't been seen yet but the closer he is to the camp the more bandits there are.

Still with a grin he unsheathe geraldine his legendary katana and took a deep breath with eyes closed.

He sharply open his eyes before dashing across and goes for a leaping strike before quickly moving on to the next target.

After a few strikes and some close quarters hand to hand combat later with a nod the camp of bandits is cleared.

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