Inner Darkness

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A few days has passed with everyone doing their morning routine and mao mao is currently sharpening his katana.

As for his sisters they were all doing their own things and zhihui was looking for minori but couldn't find her.

She used her golden lens to find her and sees that she is in her room.

She knock a few times and after waiting the door open revealing minori they stare at each other before minori sighed.

"So... its my turn now?" She asked softly to which zhihui nodded making her look down for a few seconds before looking back at her.


Minori is walking in the garden looking around with a neutral look while her hat covering her face.

"i've rarely interact with my little brother back when we were younger... and even now i don't know how to start at all" she thought to herself while walking.

She later found mao mao meditating and she stopped "oh i didn't know he was meditating... i faintly remember that he did ask what i was doing when i was meditating when we were young" she thought to herself.

She remain there for awhile but sees her brother shifting occasionally and his face scrunched.

She found this odd and concerning which she decides to slowly sit down beside him before entering a meditative stance and close her eyes.

After awhile she slowly open her eyes and sees that she is in her brothers plane of mind.

She can tell by the colors and design of this plane and sees that it is mostly red with a few golden stripes in a criss cross way.

She slowly sat up and started wandering around his plane "judging by the lack of 'security' means that he never learn to protect his mind" she thought.

But she froze with wide eyes and sees a huge area with only the colors of black and white.

There is a door on the floor but the door itself is made of metal and covered in big scratches.

She stares at the broken door but hears metal scraping which made her quickly stare at the doorframe.

Something dark came out revealing a massive creature with glowing white eyes staring at her.

The moment the creatue roared she sprinted away but it started to chase her.

"I know this creature but never had i face one that massive" she thought to herself while running.

She took a sharp turn and sees the familar red plane which she quickly ran as fast as she could.

The moment its claw touch the red plane it recoil before letting out a roar before turning around.

She notice where the creature touch and sees there are cracks on the floor followed by the white and black slowly converting the red.

She used her chi and heal the cracks making it red again before searching for her brother.

While searching for him, she began to recall that encounter "mom told me about that creature that they are the dark thoughts of those who have a troubled mind" she thought.

She better find her brother quickly before that creature does serious mental damage to him.

"Daddy... daddy watch me!" She hears something and looks to where the sound came from.

She sees her brother when he was a kid running towards a springboard before doing a little stunt.

"Daddy did you see that... daddy?" Kid mao questioned "not now mo mo i am busy training your sisters to be legendary heroes like me" shin mao replied back with his back facing kid mao.

She than turn to see all the other times she and her sisters would ignore him when they were busy training.

She couldn't help but pull her hat down in front of her not wanting to see anymore.

It didn't help so she close her eyes hoping that it will stop but now she can hear all of it.

She drop onto her knees while covering her ears with her eyes scrunched shut tight and slowly shaking her head.


Mao mao found himself back here in the training room where it contains some of his suppressed memories.

The place change in a blink of his eyes where he is now at a block cave where he lost part of himself.

Than the place where he trip into the trash and cried while being laughed at by his sisters.

He places his gloved paw onto his heart with tears in his eyes before quickly wiping it away.

"Make it stop!" He hears someone shouting which snap him out and quickly ran to where the voice came from.

To his shock and surprise he sees minori on the ground covering her head with her hat while shouting he rush towards her and close his eyes.


There was silence which made minori slowly lift her head seeing her brother staring at her with worry.

"Is that you brother?... are you real?" She questioned softly with confusion "yes minori i am real" he replied.

In a split second she lunged at him before pulling him into a hug "how... how long have you been keeping... all of this?" She questioned him with concern.

"About what?" he replied back which made her tighten her hug with her head on top of his.

"Your pain... sadness... fear... anger... i feel all of it" she continued "oh... for too long" he replied which made her remember something for how those dark creatures were created and grows.

"Minori my daughter this is what happened to those who suffer from either the loss of their family or their loved ones but there are also those that comes from the ones that they trust most" her mother told her.

"Family" she thought to herself and she feels regret gripping into her soul as well as a deep sadness piercing her heart.

She feels something coming out of her eyes it feels wet and is slowly trickling down her cheeks "i see" she spoke.

"Um minori you can let go now" he told her but she merely shakes her head making him sigh and they remain like this for awhile.

"Mao mao" minori spoke "yeah minori?" He replied "i have meditating mats in my room which i can bring into the gardens... would you like to meditate with me?" She continued.

He softly smiled "sure... i would like to meditate with you" he replied which made her smile softly behind her hat.

Elsewhere the creature slowly starts to shrink although by a little amount before it headed back into the dark room behind the metal door.


Minori slowly open her eyes and places her paw on the tears before she looks at her wet paw.

She than looks at her brother seeing him smile softly with his eyes closed while still meditating "thank you... minori" he softly spoke with his eyes closed.

This only made her eyes wet before she pull out a handkerchief from her hat before wiping her eyes.

After she put it back into her her hat she stares ahead with a frown and her eyes feeled with determination.

She vowed to herself to cleanse his troubled mind and defeat the darkness hiding deep within his mind.

She than look at her brother and smiled softly before closing her eyes to resume meditating with her brother.

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