Dr Von Mince

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Mao mao sees a bunch of blueprints littered around the room as well as a bunch of contraptions.

He took a look around and occasionally pawed at the contraptions out of curiosity.

He saw something out of his eye and sees a blueprint with a drawing similar to one of his sisters golden weapons.

He headed towards at and with wide eyes seeing zhihui golden contacts with some writing stating its effects and weakness.

As for what side effects when countering the golden weapons is unknown.

He freezes a little before seeing another one followed by another one of which each of his sisters golden weapons.

There is even one about his father and to his shocking discovery mothers as well.

He checked the date and found out that mother had face him before and underneath mothers blueprint is a few more.

Meaning that mother has fought him several times and considering Dr Von is not in prison means that it was a stalemate between the two.

He shakes his head abit before focusing at the task at paw while walking back to his sisters blueprints.

He read each of them and gathered them as well as both mother and fathers blueprints.

Before grabbing a random contraption and faces the locked door in a stance preparing to charge.


Brunhilde blocks a laser before striking a thug knocking him out before charging towards another thug.

While minori and zhihui finds a way to unlock the doors and ziyou provides cover.

Kowarenai was dealing with most of the lasers by jumping in the way when they were targeting her older sisters.

Brunhilde struck another thug means less lasers flying onto them but her armor can take so much damage till it breaks.

Some time has past yet zhihui struggles with unlocking the doors while minori protects her.

Ziyou avoids another laser that almost hit her while kowarenai is getting tired and seeing the bruises littered her body.

Even though she can't take damage doesn't mean that she felt the pain and is takin a toll on her.

Bruhilde herself is not doing so well seeing that her armor is littered with cracks and burn marks.

She then sees another group of thugs entering the previously locked door opposite of them before closing shut.

She closes her eyes and opened them again with a determine look in her eyes and charge towards the door near zhihui and minori.

They both saw her "brunhilde stop you already know what happens when!-" yelled minori with concern.

"I know!" Brunhilde cut her off before charging up her weapon and unleashed a powerful thrust towards the door.

The blow breaks the door into pieces before she felt her body becoming weaker.

Each second causes her body to feel weaker is like her strength is being sapped.

She groaned before tossing zhihui and minori over her shoulders and sprints into the broken door while kowarenai and ziyou followed behind.

Minori notices something and looks at both kowarenai and ziyou.

They should be affected by the shockwave yet they seem fine "i wonder" she thought.

Brunhilde feels weaker and weaker the longer they ran yet she sees a room with a opened door.

She headed towards the door and after seeing both kowarenai and ziyou entering she closed the door.

Though she notices the door lock is busted and after reaching a conclusion she let out a sigh knowing that his safe.

"Our little brother was here" she spoke cutting the silence making the rest of her sisters look at her.

Each of them took a look around hoping something will reverse the effects of both brunhilde and zhihui.

Minori helps zhihui move around while kowarenai is rubbing her bruises hoping to get rid of it.

Brunhilde herself checks her armor seeing that is holding on despite the numerous blows.

She is going to need to visit the blacksmith again but that is not the priority right now.

Sadly they could not find anything that will help with their current condition still they push on.

After leaving the room they hear a laugh making them look at the screen that is now on.

Seeing Dr Von makes brunhilde clench her paws tightly around her spear while the rest glares at him.

Unfazed by their heated gaze "oh what is this?..." he asked with a confused look before letting out a gasp "is that another one with a weakend golden weapon" he continued with a grin.

"I guess even being strong doen't mean anything" he spoke with a wider grin while brunhilde clench her teeth.

He waited for them to say something yet silence is all he got so with a frown "well it was nice knowing" he spoke before pressing a button.

Suddenly thugs teleported around them while he turn off the screen leaving them to their demise.

Brunhilde tried to strike down a group of thugs they merely grunted in pain before aiming their laser guns at her.

She narrowed her eyes before charging at them while kowarenai dealt with the rest.

Zhihui directs them while ziyou assist her walking and minori keeps a watchful eye on everyone.

They reached a big set of doors infront of them only for the doors to opened.

They slowly entered with caution yet as soon as they are past the big doors it closes with a loud bang.

They all wince from the noise followed by the big screen turning on in front of them.

"Impressive... despite wandering around searching for me... even though you only see white" Dr Von remarked.

Zhihui merely faces towards the screen with a glare showing her golden contacts are gone.

Which revealed her pale blurry eyes "i'm blind not deaf" zhihui replied annoyed.

Dr Von simply smirk before pressing several buttons "well... since you were able to find me" he paused while pulling a lever "i might as well send your parents a gift" he finished with his wicked grin.

Mao's sisters tensed up and ready themselves for the fight while brunhilde tightens her paw around her spear.

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