Plushies And A Nightmare

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Minori woke up with a groan before finding herself in the same place with a very familar lolipop pattern ground and pink trees.

Except she sees something far away from her but slowly is getting bigger.

She reached into her hat but touches air make her glance up noticing that it is gone.

So she changed into her martial art stance and prepares from the approaching figure.

As the figure got closer minori slowly widens her eyes seeing a plushy running towards her.

The plushy looks like a mini version of her but with angry eyebrows.

As the plushy got closer it jumps before punching minori's leg which to her feels like something very soft poking her.

She slowly lowered her stance while the plushy keeps attacking her.

"Ok~...?" She thought staring at the aggressive plushy but she feels the ground rumbled slightly.

She looks around wondering why is the ground shaking before noticing a loud rumbling sound coming from behind her.

She quickly turns around which knock the plush away as she slowly widens her eyes seeing a massive bundle of plushies heading towards her.

She turns around at sprints away from the lumbering mass of plushies.

Despite getting a head start the the lumbering mass seems to be getting closer to her.

Or more specifically she isn't sprinting at all but notices something latched onto her shoulder.

It is the same aggressive plushy that attacked her but it seems to be glowing she quickly grab the plush from her shoulder and toss it away.

She then looks down to her feet seeing it glowing as well before she suddenly trips and falls down onto the ground.

She quickly takes a look at herself noticing that she shrunk down to her kid self before seeing a big shadow looming over her.

She turns around seeing a bunch of plushies falling above her and than darkness.


She slowly wakes up but kept her eyes closed and there are a few things that she notices.

Firstly is that her arms and legs are unresponsive and something soft is petting her head.

Minori slowly attempted to open her eyes but quickly shut them before hissing softly from how bright it is.

The petting stopped making her tensed up but after a short while the petting continues.

Minori slowly opens her eyes slowly adjusting to the bright lights which is in rainbow colors.

Because her limbs are not responding she slowly looks up and sees someone that made her gape with wide eyes in complete disbelief.

Its a family member from the mao's but in golden form and the mysterious mao simply stops petting to stare back at her.

Before smiling soft and continues to pet her head "this mao looks alot like our mom but... smaller and younger" minori thought.

There was a cold feeling making her shudder which made the golden mao to stop petting her with at frown on her face.

Before slowly getting up and vanishes leaving minori behind.

Minori's limbs slowly start to move and she slowly got up and than felt like someone or something is watching her.

She tensed before getting into her martial art stance but as a kid which is more cute than threatening.

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