It's Viktor

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Rose's recovery was long with many obstacles and set backs. Her leg brace was not removed when she was told it would be and she required extensive therapy to regain full function. She tried to imagine her recovery if she had returned to the Undercity, but she couldn't imagine past an amputation.

She considered herself lucky to be found on the wrong side of the shore, and lucky that Heimerdinger had found her rather than an enforcer. She was grateful for Mel and Elora's help and support.

Elora continued to help her train and even made sure Rose kept up with her exercises to help her leg recovered quickly. When her brace was ultimately removed Rose's performance began to improve dramatically.

After two years of working beside Elora, Rose grew to be one of Mel's most trusted assistants and her difficult recovery felt like a nightmare in her distant memory, but the scar on her leg remained to remind her.

If Elora was not accompanying Mel it was Rose. She grew to be a familiar face on the northern side of Piltover and well respected in the Medarda Estate as her responsibilities began to grow.

Rose mostly kept to the estate when Mel was consulting with the council. Elora was older and wiser, much more suited to assist Mel with running a city than Rose was. However as she recovered and grew older Mel wondered if this was a new responsibility the young assistant would be capable of.

It wasn't until after Rose had turned eighteen and only a scar remained on her leg that Mel asked Rose to accompany her on a business errand. She didn't tell Rose what they were doing and Elora told her when it came to Mel's business on the council, not to ask questions until later.

Rose hoped that Mel was taking her to watch the council vote like Elora often got to see but this was only private matters between two colleagues deciding how they could turn the votes in their favor. They found themselves at the Academy.

Rose remembered the Professor and dean of the Academy that had brought Mel to her and helped set up her new life but she hadn't seen the professor since the hospital. She passed by the Academy many times but she never went inside until Mel brought her.

"Miss Medarda," Heimerdinger met them outside the academy entrance, he greeted Mel before turning to her assistant expecting to see Elora. "Rose?"

"Hello Councilor." Rose nodded with a small smile.

"I see bringing Mel to you was the right call after all." He said lacing his hands behind his back. "You look like your doing well."

"She's become an excellent worker. You do have an eye for potential, Heimerdinger." Mel nodded and Rose tried not to blush.

"So I've been told." The councilor smiled before turning towards the open academy doors. "Come."

The professor lead them into the grand building to his office. This meeting was dedicated to private matters between the two councilors. As curious as she was Rose didn't pry and took Elora's advise to not ask too many questions about the council.

"Feel free to look around, my dear." Heimerdinger told her as he stepped into his office. "The library is down the hall."

Rose turned to Mel questioning it and waited for her nod of approval before walking away from the office. She never imagined she'd be strolling the halls of the academy. She's heard about Piltover Academy before the rebellion, every once and a while rumors would circulate of someone someone getting the opportunity to study at the academy and leave the undercity behind.

She made it to the library behind grand double doors at the end of the hall. Every wall was lined with books and there were spiral staircases going up at least three floors. Rose knew how to read well enough, but she'd never been faced with so much material to chose from before.

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