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After taking Rose to the gardens, Viktor showed Rose the rest of Piltover that she had yet to see. Each day they ventured out together to get Rose more familiar with the streets of the city.

Even after Rose got accustomed to the city they continued to spend their spare time together. In her free time Rose would usually walk through the park near the Academy until she ran into Viktor, and Viktor often found excuses to visit the Medarda estate on "business" for Heimerdinger. Eventually they were together so much they quit looking for excuses to see each other and it became a routine for both of them.

When Rose turned nineteen Mel let her attend her first trial at the council building. It was more tedious than she expected it to be but she still listened carefully to each word uttered by the council members, studying how they came to their decisions.

She attended council meetings regularly following her first trial, alternating shifts with Elora. She would stand by Viktor in the crowd, the pair occasionally whispering to each other as the trials progressed.

She noticed the way Mel and Heimerdinger seemed to always be on the same page for nearly every trial and wondered if that had to do with Mel's frequent meetings at the Academy.

Despite how slow time seemed to pass during trials, Rose enjoyed watching the decisions made and debates between the council members. She found herself taking sides and making arguments of her own in her mind. Viktor could see the concentration and focus in her furrowed brow during trials. Sometimes she would whisper to him her prediction for the trial, and she was rarely wrong.

It took some courage but eventually Rose asked Viktor to take her to the Academy library, claiming she wanted to improve her knowledge of law, Piltover history and politics so she could better understand the trials.

Viktor was happy to take her but he made sure to emphasize she already seemed to have a mastery understanding of the trials as her predictions were nearly faultless.

After Viktor completed his studies at the Academy that year, Heimerdinger offered him a job as an engineer at the Academy while keeping him on as his assistant. Rose attended the graduation ceremony for Viktor knowing there wouldn't be many people outside the fissures to be there to support him besides Heimerdinger and herself.

They spent a lot of time reading together in the library or in Heimerdinger's study over the next year. While Viktor worked on his current projects she poured over books ranging from politics to chemistry.

She found history and politics came easy to her and she could rationalize why laws and polices were made the way they were and knew where they could be amended. However she had to read each science textbook twice and even still she didn't fully understand how it worked. She knew math and science were intertwined but she hadn't realized how difficult math was for her to understand.

For a while she insisted Viktor help her understand equations and formulas she had trouble with but each one was harder than the next.

She tried to hide her frustration from Viktor but he could see by her flushed cheeks that she was angry with herself for not understanding each night she left the library. She tried studying on her own in her quarters in the estate, but she kept getting stuck.

One night she let her anger get the best of her and threw the heavy text book across her room, it shook the room when it collided with the wall. Not even two minutes later Elora came bursting through her door, disheveled in her night clothes with her hair down.

"What was that?" She asked nervously afraid a bookcase or shelves had fallen over.

"Nothing, go back to sleep." Rose said, bringing her knees to her chest and turning away from her older colleague, shamefully.

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