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It was sundown by the time she returned to the estate. Mel would have returned by now. Fear and guilt gripped tightly around her heart as she entered the estate.

She kept her spine straight and head tall as she made her way swiftly to her quarters. She didn't want to seem suspicious or draw attention to herself but she needed to get there as quickly as possible. She wanted to change into her streetwear and head to the bathysphere as soon as possible.

When she pushed open the door to her room she froze. Across from her Mel was sitting on the foot of her bed, waiting for her arrival. Her eyes widened slightly when she found Mel there before a frown took over her face and her shoulders sank. There was no point in lying. She would confess and pack her things immediately if she had to.

She shut the door behind her and waited for Mel to speak first.

"Didn't you know rubies are my favorite?" Mel asked. There was no anger in her voice which wasn't surprising. Mel wasn't quick to anger, she was perpetually calm and collected.

"No." Rose shook her head. "I hadn't realized. You almost never wear them."

"That's only because I wouldn't want to misplace them." Mel told her. "Had you chosen any other piece I may not have even noticed it was gone, but my mother gave me that bracelet, as a parting gift before she banished me."

Rose cringed slightly. Of course out of all the golden bands, diamond rings, and priceless necklaces she had to pick the piece with sentimental value.

"What did you sell it for?" Mel asked, her voice much softer now and full of concern.

"What?" Tears began to prick at Rose's eyes. She had expected Mel to terminate her without a second thought, not to be worried for her.

"I know you're not a thief, Rose." Mel said. "If you were you would have stolen from me years ago. Tell me what's going on."

At that the tears spilled from her eyes and through a chocked sob she explained everything from visiting Beatrix for the first time to finding her sick and in debt.

Rose pulled to pouch of gold coins from her pocket and stepped forward.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to take from you but I don't have enough saved away to pay it off myself. I sold some of my own stuff as well. I would have worked for it all, but the money is due in two days. I didn't have a choice."

Mel rose from the foot of the bed and slowly approached her tearful assistant who was holding out the money for her to take back. Mel closed Rose's hand around the pouch and gently pushed it back towards her for her to keep.

Rose gasped slightly when she felt Mel push the money back towards her and looked to her with wide eyes.

"You should have come to me first." Mel told her. "I would have given it to you."

Mel stepped around a stunned Rose and headed for the door. "I'll go buy our stuff back."

Before Mel could leave the room Rose quickly turned on her heels and rushed towards her, throwing herself into an embrace.

"Thank you." Rose whispered as she hugged her boss tightly. The councilor was more understanding than she ever gave her credit for.

Mel was stunned for a moment before she lightly patted her assistant's back. "Get that money to your friend." She told her before breaking away and taking her leave.

When the door shut behind her Rose released a loud and shaky sigh. Her knees felt weak and she was trembling all over. She might have collapse to the floor if she didn't have a deadline to beat. As quick as she could she threw on her blazer and boots and ran out of her room.

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