Oil and Water

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It was raining heavily on Rose's walk back to the estate. Her umbrella helped to keep her hair dry but water still lapped at her boots as she walked. She didn't mind, the storm could have blown her away in that moment and she wouldn't have minded. She kept thinking of Viktor as she walked, it brought a smile to her face when she thought of him, running, kissing her.

She passed the council building on her way. Mel had told her to keep her distance but she couldn't escape it on her route. She would have walked by without a second glance, except there was someone sitting on the steps allowing the rain to soak them. It was a pitiful sight. So much so that it made Rose cross the road to see if they were alright.

When she got closer she realized who it was. It was the same girl she had seen at the apothecary three days ago. Only now she was in her enforcer uniform.

"You're Cassandra's daughter." Rose stated once she reached the foot of the stairs. "Caitlyn, right?"

It took her a moment before she looked up to see Rose standing before her. Her wide amber eyes seemed to hold an innocent curiosity.

"I—I am." Caitlyn said. Rose could tell she was trying to keep her voice steady.

"You were at the apothecary." Rose pretended to whisper so that it might draw a smile from her. It worked and she nodded with a sheepish smirk.

"That was me." She admitted.

"You look different." Rose gestured to her uniform.

It almost seemed to strike a nerve and her smile quickly fell into a frown. "I'm aware." She said sadly.

Rose tilted her head slightly. "Is it the rain, or have you been crying?"

Caitlyn's eyes snapped up at the girl. She hadn't expected her to ask her so bluntly, though she supposed sitting out in the rain drew attention to herself. She didn't answer.

Rose sighed sympathetically. "Can I walk you home?" She offered. "You shouldn't sit out in the rain you'll catch a cold."

It took a long moment of silence before Caitlyn hesitantly nodded and pulled herself off the stairs to approach her.

"You're much taller than I am, perhaps you should hold it." Rose handed her the umbrella.

Caitlyn chuckled before taking it, and lead the pair back to her estate. It wasn't a long walk but she was grateful for the umbrella.

"Would you like to come inside?" Caitlyn asked when they reached her front door. She could see Rose's hesitancy before she added. "You could wait for the storm to pass."

Rose nodded not wanting to walk all the way across town in the pouring rain. The Kirraman estate was just as grand as the Medarda's, though they were different. The Medarda estate felt new and modern, and the Kirraman's had an antique feel to it, almost gothic. The Medarda estate was built in the heart of the city, with a view overlooking all of Piltover, while the Kirraman's were situated on the outskirts of the city where the city met the country and became more rural, with gardens and a hunting ground.

"It's lovely." Rose said when she entered and caught a glimpse of the grand chandelier in the center of the spiral staircase.

Caitlyn only chuckled.

"Can I do anything?" Rose asked, already feeling out of place. "I could make tea."

"I could use something stronger than tea." Caitlyn joked.

"I can do that too." Rose said. "Just point me to your liquor cabinet."

Caitlyn smiled before walking her towards the kitchen and pointing her to the bar. While Rose made herself busy making them both cocktails with probably the finest spirits she'd ever had, Caitlyn excused herself to change into dry clothes.

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