First Steps

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Rose sat in the drawing room of the Medarda estate that night knowing that news of her striking Jayce would spread rapidly. Viktor had offered to wait with her after they arrived, but she sent him away to go rest and told him she would find him the next morning. She heard Jayce arrive soon after.

She sat with her legs drawn up close to her chest with the lights switched off, staring out the window as the sun set, listening to Jayce's muffled voice explain what happened. She could hear Mel respond but she wasn't sure who's side she was taking. Rose shut her eyes as she thought back to facing down the water that had almost claimed her life ten years ago. She felt sixteen again when the enforcer pushed her against the rail. She was sure he would push her just a bit too hard or her hand would slip from the rail and she would fall, giving the river another chance.

There was silence for a while before Mel entered the drawing room. Rose flinched when she heard her enter, but she did not turn to look at her. She kept her eyes fixed on the window.

"What were you thinking?" Mel asked. Her voice was firm and she could tell she was doing everything in her power not to shout at her. Jayce had told her how Rose had broken down after being pushed against the rail and Mel knew why, she didn't want to berate her while she was down, but Rose had struck a councilor. That was unacceptable.

"I didn't mean to violate the blockade." Rose said quietly. "I saw Viktor on the bridge, I didn't know why they weren't letting him pass."

"No," Mel shook her head, and took a deep breath to keep from lashing out. "Not the blockade. Jayce." She began to pace. "You struck a councilor!" She hissed, her anger finally showing through.

Rose didn't respond at first, allowing Mel a moment to say everything she needed to. "After everything I've done for you, I gave you a home, I put you through school!" She ranted. "You were set to join the council one day, all for nothing once news of this spreads."

Rose couldn't help but scoff.


"Was I set to join you on the council?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I graduated almost year ago and I'm still your assistant, painting commissions on the side to build my name, meanwhile Jayce stalled Hextech's progress and lost the gemstone and you rewarded him by you carving out a place on the council!" Rose snapped from her seat.

"Rose, you need time, experience. Jayce has been the leader of Hextech for six years."

"Who helped get him there?" Rose asked. "I was there the night they realized the crystal's potential. I wrote their argument to get council approval. I have been with them every step of the way and what do I have to show for it?" Rose asked her voice deflating towards the end as she sunk further into her chair. "Nothing. Nothing now that I've struck a councilor." She mumbled. "He'll probably have me exiled."

Mel sighed before sitting down across from her.

"Jayce is not pressing charges." She told her. Rose eyed her carefully before turning back to the window. "Your reputation is damaged, undoubtably, but nothing will go on record."

"Give him my thanks." Rose whispered rolling her eyes slightly.

"He knows now." Mel added. "About where you came from."

Rose huffed quietly. She had expected that, after what he saw on the bridge he was bound to have questions.

"Well then he surely must find me dangerous and untrustworthy, now."

"Why would you say such a thing?" Mel asked. "Jayce has always been above class differences, he cares for the undercity—deeply. It's his goal to help them."

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