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Everyday Rose tried to walk the length from the Medarda estate to the river. Elora had advised her to take daily walks, especially in the sunlight, claiming it would help her regain her strength, and along with painting it did help, eventually. It took several weeks of convincing after Rose was well enough to return to work, but Elora could be very persistent when she cared. She accompanied her frequently when she first began but Rose had since grown to enjoy her time alone again and became less afraid of being on her own since losing Bea.

She liked it most when Viktor accompanied her on her walks as well. It made her feel important that he would step away from the lab just to walk beside her. Lately she had been taking her walks on her own, and she hadn't seen Viktor in weeks, almost months now. He and Jayce had gone to the undercity. Viktor spared her the details, as much as she pressed for them he refused to share. Jayce had kept his lips tight as well, even when he returned without Viktor two weeks ago.

She couldn't help from worrying and on her walks her mind often drifted back to him. When she got to the bridge she'd imagine where he was and when he'd return and wondered why he hadn't come back with Jayce. She had half a mind to go into the fissures and see for herself but she couldn't go back there. Not after Bea.

When she passed by The Academy her eyes always drifted to the bench near the park where her and Viktor often found themselves sitting. For weeks it had been empty. But when she passed by it now, she saw someone sitting where she used to sit. She saw their tuffs of floppy brown hair and the hilt of their cane beside them, leaning against the arm of the bench.

Her eyes went wide and she found herself nearly running towards the bench.

"Viktor." She breathed once she reached him.

He glanced up from his book and when he saw her he quickly pulled himself to his feet. She smiled slightly before striding forward and wrapping her arms around his middle, resting her ear in his chest. With one hand gripping his cane he used his free hand to embrace her and rested his chin atop her red hair.

She was so excited to see him she didn't realize that her arms reached farther around his waist that they used to, or that his skin had grown slightly paler than it was before.

"How long have you been back?" She asked pulling away to sit down on the bench and taking him with her.

"I only got back last night." He answered.

She nodded. "I've missed you."

A smile grew on his lips. "You haven't a clue how much I missed you."

She felt herself blush slightly before she finally noticed the dark circles beneath his eyes that made his face look paler than she was used to. Her smile quickly fell and the lines of a deep frown began to take place.

"You don't look well." She said with concern and brought her hand up to his cheek and ran her thumb over the dark circle beneath his eye. He flinched slightly and his breath hitched at her touch. He put his hand over hers and pulled it away from his face, lowering it to her lap but allowed his hand to remain holding hers.

"I don't think being back in the fissures was good for my health, especially—" he stopped himself and didn't finish his statement.

"Especially what?" Rose asked. He turned his face away from her but gave her hand a small squeeze. "What we're you doing down there?"

Viktor sighed before explaining. There had been a chemical spill, affecting many districts of the undercity. One of the affected areas included Rose and Bea's old home. The building had been evacuated and would most likely remain that way before it succumbed to decay.

Hextech descended to the fissures to offer their recourses and technology to help the cleanup. Thanks to Viktor and Jayce's interventions the spill was contained. Despite their efforts the spill still resulted in many casualties. And those who did not die of injuries would likely die of exposure from the chemicals soon after.

When the spill was managed Jayce returned to Piltover. He was no doctor, he knew nothing of medicine, there was nothing he could do for the sick. Viktor however disagreed. Hextech should not be so limited and he remained in the fissures to try and find a solution.

His attempts were unsuccessful. He could find no solution to stop illness from spreading with the time he had. It was a jarring reminder of what was happening within his own body and the very little power he had to do anything about it. But that did not mean he would stop. If not for himself than for the people of the undercity who grew sicker by the day. Someone needed to help them, and he knew they would get no help from Piltover. Hextech was their answer. It had always been their answer.

He planned a proposal for the council. To expand hextech's technology and combine it with human anatomy so that hextech may heal the sick and broken. It was going to be controversial to say the least. Allowing them to merge magic with technology was almost impossible, he doubted the council would pass to allow him to meddle with human physiology. He had doubts that Jayce would even agree to it.

"I love that helping people is what drives you, I don't want you to lose that over a decision made by the council." Rose went on. "If you keep that passion I really do believe you'll achieve your goal. Besides, wasn't it you who said, if you're going to change the world, you don't ask for permission?"

"That was when I thought I was only working with machines. People are entirely different."

"Of course." Rose nodded. "The subjects are very different. Gaining a subjects consent is imperative, it's the council's permission I'm talking about."

He cocked and eyebrow at her but a small smile spread across his face.

"One thing I've learned since I began studying trials, is that sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission." Rose said. "It worked out well for Hextech."

Viktor chuckled slightly, seriously considering her proposition. It would be risky but it had to potential to save millions, it would be for the greater good. Hextech may have been growing rapidly but it was only getting started, they couldn't afford a scandal yet. If his proposal was rejected he'd have to wait to begin an "independent study", but it would remain at the front of his mind for the time being.

When Viktor and Jayce first began Hextech it was always their dream to improve the lives of others. To improve the undercity. Viktor was determined to achieve that someday, no matter the means.

As he considered organizing his new and taboo project he felt his throat grow dry and scratchy and the air felt thin. Soon enough he was doubled over with his elbows on his knees with Rose lightly patting his back. He knew that if he wanted to see his newest project to the end he may want to begin sooner rather than later

"I'm glad you're out of the fissures, for now." Rose said as Viktor's breaths slowly came easier, and his coughs quieted. "Being in the fresh air up here will do you good. You'll feel better after resting a while."

She settled into her spot beside him. She wouldn't be finishing her walk that day. Instead she'd find comfort just sitting beside him

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