Our Hextech Dream

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"Viktor!" Rose called after him. She hadn't let him walk away for long but he was halfway down the front steps of the building when she found him, presumably on his way back to his lab.

"I don't want to discuss it anymore, Rose." He told her. His voice was firm but she couldn't help but notice he sounded defeated.

Her eyes softened as she approached him. "Then we won't talk about it." She said gently. "Just walk with me, will you?"

Viktor sighed with the intent to refuse. He had work to do. Even though Jayce and Heimerdinger had worked together to slow Hextech's progress they could not slow down science. Yet when he saw her amber colored eyed boring into his, he couldn't resist.

She looked at him with so earnestly with a touch of concern, but not enough to seem overbearing, just enough so he knew she truly cared. He knew she wouldn't take no for an answer either and if he were to be honest with himself he wouldn't want her to.

"Fine." He muttered, and although his tone was cold, her face still lit up at his answer and she quickly linked her arm through his. He ignored the way he felt a burning sense settle in his chest and stomach when she took his arm and the way his heart beat quickened as he allowed her to lead him mindlessly through the city streets.

Above them the city's display of fire works continued lighting the sky with colorful sparks. Rose kept her eyes mostly towards the stars to watch the display but Viktor found himself watching her instead and the way she'd smile with each burst of color that flashed across her face very briefly.

"What?" She asked when she caught him looking at her.

"Nothing." Viktor shook his head. "You would think this is your first time seeing fireworks."

Rose scoffed slightly before turning back to the show. "You don't think they're beautiful?"

"Of course I do." Viktor answered. "For a moment, but then I suppose it loses its appeal when they all start to look the same."

"How can they? Each one is different." She said suddenly very serious. "Watch, each one bursts differently, their colors their size, how long they burn, they're all different somehow. Some don't even burst at all."

"I've never thought about them that much." He admitted watching the bursts and streaks of light. "I've never given them much thought at all."

"Maybe you ought to take a break from thinking about work so much." She chuckled but Viktor only shot her a glare.

"You miss out on things when you're so wrapped up in work." She continued. He thought of telling her he often thought of her but decided against it. "For example, you've hardly noticed how infatuated with you Skye is."

"What?" Viktor's eyes went wide as the conversation made a shocking twist that he had not expected. She was right, he hadn't noticed at all. "That is ridiculous, she is not."

"She is!" Rose insisted. "How haven't you seen how shy she gets around you, she's always blushing when she looks at you, which is often."

Viktor stopped for a moment before turning to her, "And how have you noticed how she behaves around me?" He asked with a raised brow. "Are you watching me?" He joked.

"I am very observant." She crossed her arms playfully. "You should talk to her, maybe even take her on a date." She added.

Viktor blinked in surprise. He'd never imagined himself dating anyone except perhaps Rose. He wouldn't know what to do with a woman, what to say, where to go. It was so easy with Rose, he was so comfortable with her. She made him feel safe and he didn't see himself with anyone but her.

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