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It wasn't unusual to find Viktor in the Medarda estate, even if he was putting off work to be there. What was unusual, was for him to arrive while he knew Rose was with Mel downtown for a council meeting.

"Come in," Elora allowed Viktor inside. "Would you like to sit?"

"No, I can't stay." He told her.

"What brings you here? Rose is with Mel at—"

"I know." Viktor answered, and held out a flyer he had brought with him for Elora to take.

"What is this?"

"There's going to be an art gallery at the academy, many artists are entering but there's a competition open to students as well. The winner gets an their own exhibit in the gallery." He explained and Elora suddenly had a feeling she knew why he had come.

"Why have you come to me with this?" She asked skeptically.

"I've already gone to Rose."

"She said no." Elora sighed and Viktor nodded. "And I presume you're not here to ask me to convince her, are you?"

"I'm afraid not." He admitted.

He didn't know Elora very well. Everything he'd heard about her had come directly from Rose. She only ever had good things to say about Elora, but he knew she was professional and thought it might take more convincing for her to do what he was asking of her. To his surprise she handed back the flyer and nodded.

"Come with me." She beckoned him to follow her and led him down several halls into the estate's drawing room.

The room was slightly unkept and it was clear it wasn't used to entertain guests. There's was scattered art supplies and an unfinished painting set up by the window. At the desk there were several text books that he recognized from studying with Rose. He could only assume this is where Rose came to do most of her work, a small room that Mel had allowed to become her study.

"That one is Mel's." Elora pointed to the unfinished painting by the window as she crossed the room. "They share this room."

From large storage closet that could be mistaken for a coat room, Elora pulled out two boxes.

"There are more in her room but I think this is enough of an invasion of her privacy already." Elora said.

With a chuckle Viktor agreed. Together they looked through the box of paintings that ranged from abstract work, to landscapes and portraits. Elora was pleasantly surprised to find her own portrait among them. They chose the ones they thought were best.

The first piece they chose was a landscape of the undercity. Not many people topside had ever ventured into the fissures to see for themselves and while her painting was honest, Rose had managed to make it look colorful and inviting.

Elora chose the next piece. A painting of a council meeting. She had mastered the details of the council chamber but left the members vague, almost nothing more than shadows and silhouettes, but towards the bottom of the canvas dark oil pooled around their feet, a stark contrast to the angelic lighting streaming from the vast windows of the chamber.

"You don't think it's too controversial?" Viktor asked, knowing she had painted this after the oil spill that ruined her old home.

"Of course I do." Elora said. "That's why I think it will win."

The next picture they came across made them both pause and take a deep breath. It was a portrait composed of dark shades of grey, with hints of purple. It portrayed someone staring into a nearly empty vial, with only a drop of purple liquid left. They had black curly hair cropped at their shoulders and freckles sprinkled across their face.

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