Growing Pains

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The city of progress was beginning to live up to its name once the council voted against Heimerdinger's case to forbid magic. Hextech was approved and Viktor and Jayce were given ample funding to advance the city forward with their new technology.

Rose watched the trial the day it was decided, even she didn't know which way the trial would go. Magic was feared by many and she hadn't expected the council to welcome it so openly. But if Hextech succeeded as it was promised to, it would bring wealth to the city, something the council couldn't ignore. It was fear or wealth, the council chose the latter.

Viktor and Jayce stood before all of the council to present their case for Hextech, Rose had helped them prepare everyday the week leading up to the trial. She knew every argument a councilor would make and every clause they would cite, she practically wrote the script for Hextech's response. Viktor told her if they won, they would owe it to her.

When all was decided, Viktor found Rose's face in the crowd and smiled widely. She made sure to return the gesture with a nod and forced a proud smile. She was happy for him, if Hextech took off he could help people as he'd always wanted to. He was finally making a name for himself in Piltover, while she was still just an assistant.

Truthfully, Rose was still weary of combining magic with science. She understood Heimerdinger's concerns, she'd read many textbooks on the dangers of the arcane and the horrors it caused in their history. But she also understood the benefits the technology could bring. Pursuing this technology was a risk, she only hoped Viktor and Jayce could handle it and keep their creation out of the wrong hands.

As the windows in the chamber began to open when the trial finished Rose ducked through of the crowd and out of the building when Viktor wasn't looking. She knew he'd be able to see the doubt in her eyes and she didn't want to ruin his celebratory moment.

When Viktor turned back to the dispersing crowd he instantly noticed Rose's absence. He would have gone after her to look for her, but before he could Jayce pulled him away to discuss with other council members and receive their congratulations on their verdict.

After the chamber had emptied and the council members retreated to their offices Viktor went looking for Rose. Though, he had to excuse himself from Jayce who wanted to continue the celebration.

The sun was beginning to set as he walked through the city. He was making his way towards the Medarda estate when he passed by the academy, and the park beside it. There, Rose stuck out in the low lighting against the dark greenery, her red hair glowing as it caught the last of the sun's fading light.

She sat on one of the benches closer towards the streets of the city, looking up slightly to watch the sunset. She enjoyed watching the clouds change color with the light. It was something she never saw until she moved to topside. Something about it soothed her.

She could hear Viktor approaching her slowly. She could tell it was him by the sound his new cane made when it clicked against the pavement. She wasn't sure if she should feel happy he thought to look for her, or disappointed he was interrupting her time alone to think.

"You disappeared." He said when he was close enough.

Rose shrugged. "The celebration wasn't really my scene."

Viktor nodded before sitting down on the bench beside her. "I wanted to thank you." He told her. "We never could have won without your help."

"No," Rose scoffed slightly and shook her head. "It was your science that won over the council. Not me."


"Piltover is the city of progress. You and Jayce got results. It's the way of things." She explained. "Your success, your science is what won that trial."

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