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It had been weeks since Rose found Bea's apartment as a bloody crime scene, since she was attacked by Bea's killer. Viktor was right, his sutures left ugly scars that sliced across her back. He told her she was lucky she never contracted an infection with how they seemed when he found them.

Viktor came to visit her most nights, and just like Elora he worried for her. Even Mel became concerned when Jayce told her Viktor didn't put his work aside easily and if he was taking the time to check on her nightly, something must truly be wrong.

Between Elora, Jayce and Viktor, Mel decided an initiative must be taken. It had been weeks since Rose reported for work. Though she spend the entirety of the days in her room, she rarely slept. All she could see was her attacker standing over Bea's broken body.

She was sitting up in her bed, staring out the window watching the birds fly over the buildings when Mel pushed open then door. Rose didn't even turn to see who had walked into her room.

"It's been quite a while since I've seen you." Mel began. Rose tensed her back slightly when she heard her superior's voice but she didn't move. "Everyone's worried about you."

Rose didn't answer but her hands found themselves pulling at the fray of the blanket she had draped over her legs. She flinched slightly when Mel sat down beside her and yanked a thread from the fabric until it broke.

"I haven't come to rush you back to work." Mel told her, noticing how tense her assistant seemed. "You can come back when you're ready, your job will still be waiting for you." Mel explained gently and Rose's fidgeting hands began to slow.

"I won't pretend to know what you're going through." Mel told her. "I didn't lose my parents or home the way you did. You've been through too much too soon. But I know loss, Rose, and I can try and help you if you'll let me."

Rose turned away from the window to face Mel for the first time. "How can you help me?" She asked softly in slight disbelief. "Can you bring my friend back, my family? Can you make it stop hurting?"

"I'm so sorry." Mel put her hand over Rose's. "Nothing I say it do will make the pain go away, I know that. I also know that pain will stay with you, always. Life will feel imposible until one day you find yourself strong enough to bare it, and the days will get easier."

A tear fell from Rose's eye and she quickly wiped it away. "Until then, let me be there for you."

"Why would you do that?" Rose's voice cracked. She was just an assistant from the under city, she was disposable.

Mel sighed before squeezing Rose's hand. "Because I know what it feels like to be alone in this world, and I don't want anyone else to feel that way if I can help it."

Rose allowed a few more tears to fall down her cheeks before she nodded, squeezing Mel's hand back in return and allowed her to sit with her in her grief until she was ready to find herself again.

It took several days after Mel reached out for Rose to feel comfortable leaving her room again. She didn't put much effort into her appearance and the staff was instructed not to bring attention to the fact if she ever did leave her room.

Rose found herself wandering the halls until she was in front of Mel's door. She didn't know where else to go. She needed a change of scenery outside her four walls but wanted a quiet comfortable space, she thought of seeking out Viktor or Elora but knew they would get overly excited about her leaving her room and make her want to retreat again. When Mel opened her door she smiled gently and stepped aside allowing Rose to make the choice to enter on her own.

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