The Concerto

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Following the progress day festivities the opera held an event in celebration, dedicated to the city of progress. Everyone of importance was to attend. That included all the council members, noble houses as well as the owners of Hextech.

Elora had been assigned to Mel that day and Rose didn't have enough money to spare on a ticket that expensive. She had come to terms with not attending when Viktor presented her with two tickets.

"I wasn't going to go." He admitted. "I had planned to work instead but I heard how excited you were for it and thought—" Rose interrupted him by wrapping her arms around him and gleefully taking the tickets.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She exclaimed. In all her time living with Mel she had never attended to opera. It was a luxury assistants could not afford. "You'll be coming, right?"

Viktor had originally planned just to give her the tickets and spend the night in the lab but when he saw the look in her amber eyes he couldn't resist.

"Of course." He nodded.

She squealed with delight before giving him another quick embrace as a thank you.

It was several weeks ago when Viktor had surprised Rose with the tickets. She had been counting down the days for the performance. Now as they took their seats in their private box, she kept an eye on Jayce and Mel across the theatre.

"Don't focus on them." Viktor whispered before the performance began. "Watch the show. How often do you go to the opera?"

"The curtains are still closed." She pointed out with a smirk. She refused to let them distract her once the show began but until that time came she would let her curiosity get the better of her.

"Elora told me what they're up to this morning." Rose said.

"What's that?" Viktor asked knowing she would tell him whether he wanted to hear it or not.

"Councilor Talis, has made half the council and all the wealthy houses angry with him when he tightened security on the Hexgates." She explained. "Mel is helping him with damage control tonight."

"That is a good thing, no?" Viktor said. "He is trying to put an end to the corruption in Piltover."

"It would be a good thing." Rose agreed. "Except Mel's method of damage control is paying people off and making exceptions. Do you really think Salo and Hoskel will quit their Noxian spirits? No, they will be granted an exception and so will the next person with enough money to fund Hextech's next project."

She sighed and took a deep breath to calm herself before turning back to Viktor. "I'm sorry." She said. "I should be happy that Hextech is well funded. I'm just disappointed with Mel, and I never thought I would be."

Viktor smiled softly. He didn't mind that she sometimes spoke ill of Hextech when she was criticizing policies and the council. He enjoyed seeing her so passionate. He liked to envision her presenting her arguments to the council and making real changes to Piltover. He hoped he would see her on the council one day but now that Jayce had been given the seat, that vision seemed several years away and Viktor was not sure he had that much time left.

"It is alright. I don't mind." He told her. "I just hope it doesn't ruin your night."

"It won't, I promise." She assured him. "I'm too excited to be here with you, to let it ruin my night."

Viktor found himself blushing at her words and was grateful the lights dimmed to hide his flushed cheeks as the curtain rose.

The performance was beautiful. Depicting a ship traveling through a storm through various moving sets and music. The concert had one violinist who played through a speaker. Rose was surprised just one instrument could fill an entire theatre.

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