The Hexcore

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Once he was deemed stable enough, Viktor was released from the hospital later that morning. News of his prognosis spread quickly, especially when Rose did not report for work that morning. Graciously, Elora stepped in for her again.

Rose finally left Viktor's side when Jayce arrived at the hospital. She decided to give him space for a few hours. She tried to return to work but when Elora saw her state she turned her around by the shoulders and told her not to worry herself with trivial matters such as work.

Instead Rose found herself wandering the grounds of the Academy park aimlessly. She spent a while in the rose garden hoping that might help lift her spirits, but as Viktor was the one who had introduced her to the garden, it did not. All she could do was walk and replay her conversation with the doctor over and over again hoping for new answers.

"Tell me again." Rose said as the doctor closed the door to Viktor's hospital room. He had called Rose into the hallway to speak as they left Viktor to rest.

Rose had always known Viktor to be sick. He carried a cane with him since they first met. He had been born that way, lots of kids were born with deficits in the undercity. She knew his health was fragile, she saw his condition worsening but she hadn't expected it all to catch up with him so soon.

"Viktor has been my patient for years, he's always been sick." He explained. "The pollution from the fissures, it caused a lot of damage when he was a child."

"No, that doesn't make sense. If that were true everyone would be dying of disease in the undercity." Rose said shakily, wondering how much damage her sixteen years breathing that air had caused her.

"Most of them are." The doctor dismissed. Rose fought the urge to correct him. She wanted to tell him plenty of people in the undercity were healthy. She was, her brother had been until his infection, Bea had been until her addiction. It wasn't disease that stole her parents from her. Now she was expected to take the word of a doctor who had never stepped foot in the undercity. "Rose, The year Viktor was born there was a chemical spill in his district. From what I've heard many children were born sick that year. It may have been decades ago but the damage was done. It's effects started presenting themselves a few years ago."

Rose thought back to the chemical spill in her own district five years ago and wondered if that was why Viktor had dedicated himself to containing the spill and treating the wounded, even after Jayce had given up. He had put himself in greater danger by being there. That was when his symptoms began to get worse.

"Besides, I'm sure you're aware that Viktor is not the most compliant patient." The doctor continued. With that she could not argue. "He doesn't take care of himself, he never kept up with treatment, he doesn't eat or sleep enough, he pushes himself too much, exposes himself to too many hazards, now it's all caught up to him."

"And there's nothing you can do?"

"I'm sorry, I wish I had a better answer."

"How much time does he have?"

The doctor sighed. "It's hard to say. But you should start preparing yourself. Spend as much time with him now as you can." Was all he said before leaving her to break the news to Viktor.

She should have noticed sooner, she told herself. Made sure he was compliant with his treatment, forced him to work less. She had tried, but he put work above all else—she should have tried harder.

As she continued to blame herself while walking the trails of the park, Heimerdinger crossed her path, looking for Viktor. He had already been told of the news and wanted to check in on his former protégé, but he had not been at his home nor the lab.

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