Our Future is Bright

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Graduation came quicker than Rose had expected it to. She was quite a few years older than her peers, receiving her degree at twenty six, but she was graduating with many accolades to make up for it. With Viktor's help studying, she graduated with the highest honors with degrees in both history and law.

Viktor had promised he would be in the front row watching as she received her diploma. Just as she had been there for him.

He had been working overtime all week—even more than usual just so he could celebrate with her without being distracted. He could feel himself growing weaker, but ignored it and pressed on. He told himself he would take it easy the day before her ceremony to recover, and while he followed through, he did not recover fast enough.

The morning of her graduation ceremony he stood in his lab, sorting papers and trying to finish any last minute tasks.

"It's time to go." Jayce announced as he entered the lab. In the distance they could hear music playing from the stands of the Academy. "They'll be starting soon."

Viktor closed his open notebook and turned to leave when his abdomen was suddenly seized with pain, as his muscles tightened and he doubled over, holding tightly to his crutch. It was a vicious attack and he struggled for breath as his coughs came relentlessly.

"Viktor!" Jayce rushed forward and helped his friend into his chair at his desk. He quickly pushed a glass of water towards Viktor and kept a steady hand at the back of his neck to help him drink it.

"I'm fine." Viktor wheezed.

"You're not fine!" Jayce exclaimed. "You've been over exerting yourself all week."

"We need to go." Viktor waved him away but Jayce kept a hold of him by his shoulder, making sure he remained seated.

"Maybe you ought to sit this out. You need your rest. Rose will understand, if only she knew how sick you were—"

"Well she doesn't!" Viktor snapped. "And I remind you, that you swore to keep it that way."

Jayce sighed. "Viktor."

"This conversation is finished." Viktor said sharply. "Help me up, I don't want to be late."

"Congratulations, my dear." Heimerdinger said as he handed Rose her diploma and the crowd behind him began to clap. Rose's eyes grew misty as she looked out towards the stands and saw Jayce, Mel, Elora and Viktor had all risen to their feet to clap and cheer when she crossed the stage with her degree in hand.

That evening the Medarda Estate was buzzing with celebration. Despite Rose's protests, Mel had insisted that she put together a party in honor of Rose's graduation. She said she deserved some recognition for all she had overcome and that the most important people in Piltover would be coming to congratulate her.

There was music playing and champagne flowing all night. Mel introduced Rose personally to every important person in Piltover. She had met many of them as Mel's assistant but she scarcely spoke to them, and never as someone this important. Never as a guest of honor.

"I heard there's a rumor that a spot on the council might be reserved for you." Cassandra Kiramman said to her.

Rose blushed deeply. "This rumor is news to me." She said and turned to Mel.

"Your future is bright." Mel grinned pridefully. "You'll need a bit more experience to your name but in a few years, I'm confident the next chair that opens will be yours."

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