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When I got home I immediately cleaned the house to clear the surroundings when I started to paint.

I dressed first so my clothes wouldn't get dirty.

When I was done with everything I did I immediately went to my painting room or my room full of arts if I would call it that.

I took a canvas and placed it on the canvas shelf and I set it up. I picked up my phone and then looked at the picture Miller sent me.

When I looked at that photo a tear dripped from my eyes and because of that I immediately wiped my eye so that it would not increase the tears that want to drip into my eyes.

I don't know why the previous one teardrop is now a series of tears in my eyes. I couldn’t help but be emotional just because I saw that photo.

I can't deny that now I just cried so much again because I haven't cried since then.

Just because of the photo of the place that once was a part of my life.

Ever since then, only that place has made me understand and that is the only place that has made me feel better.

Place where I want to escape the world.

Place that has become my comfort zone.

Because of that photo I want to go there even for a moment and see at least.

I let my tears drip down.

I was surprised when someone handed me a handkerchief and when I looked up I saw my brother Timothy holding a handkerchief so I immediately took the handkerchief he was giving me and then wiped my face.

He sat down next to me and he let me cry.

He hold my head and then he placed it on his shoulder, while my head was on his shoulder I just let out all my tears.

"Shh, what happened? did someone make you cry? just tell me I'm going to knock them down." He said so I suddenly laughed. I immediately removed my head from leaning on his shoulder and then faced him and squeezed his cheek.

"Ate!" he shouts and he tries to remove my hand from his cheek.

He was also blushing so I removed my hand from his cheek and just laughed at him.

"Happy?" he asked frowning. I just nodded and then I sat down again properly.

I rearranged the canvas and then took my paint.

everything was in order I looked at the photo again and scanned it to master every detail. I turned off my cellphone and looked at the canvas.

Timothy still isn't leaving and it looks like he's going to watch me paint so I looked at him and asked.

"Why aren't you leaving yet?" I asked him.

"I want to watch you." he said while smiling and staring at the canvas and didn't even look at me when he answered that.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes, and started to paint.

He watches me patiently. when I finished I could hear him clapping. I don't know how many hours I finished it because I need four canvases because there are four to paint. but I think it was about two hours. he really waited for me to finish painting huh?

"Ang galing talaga ng Ate ko." he said with more applause, he even shouted.

Because of what he said I was happy and more courageous.

I looked at the painting I made. it's really beautiful and just like the picture he sent me.

I don't know if I want to give Miller that painting, I'd rather just give it to me and not give it. but I just have to give the painting because he told me that I will paint it.

Why didn't I paint it when I couldn't do anything and even paint would make me feel better.

"Thank you." I told him and then I arranged my paints and to dry quickly.

I took a picture of my paint and sent it to Miller.

I know we had a growing misunderstanding before so even so I still sent it and asked him when he could take it from me.


Compose Email:

When do you want to take this painting? and where is it? I need your answer because I'm busy too. If you don't take it, this painting is mine.

I already sent the email to him.

When I sent it, I confronted Timothy who had been looking at the painting before and until now and he was still amazed.

"Hey are you okay? you look like a fool. Come upstairs and have a snack I'm already hungry. Let's let it go because it will also dry out." I said and started walking.

"Ay grabe siya, oh." I even heard him say that, but I kept walking.

My arts room is in the lower part so we have to go up now.

I was hungry because I forgot to eat before I painted.

When we were upstairs we went straight to the kitchen to eat.

We called the maid first to cook for us.

I would like to have Pizza but I can't because I'll be able to sleep after I'm done eating.

We waited for the food to be cooked.

I was just stunned and Timothy was just talking but I didn't understand anything because I was thinking of something else.

I want to go to the place I used to be in my comfort zone.

"Ate nakikinig ka ba sa'kin?" he suddenly asked me so I went back to my senses.

"Huh?" I asked because I didn't really understand anything.

"Ay hindi ka talaga nakikinig sa'kin? Ang dami kong sinabi 'tas wala kang naintindihan?" he said as his lips parted.

"I'm sorry, what are you saying? I'm just thinking a lot now I'm sorry okay?" I apologize to him.

"Wala, kalimutan mo na kain na lang tayo, luto naman na, eh." he said so I nodded at what he said.

We just ate quietly so we finished quickly.

When we finished eating I said goodbye to him I will go up to my room and I will go to sleep.

I would have gone to sleep when I remembered my cellphone, maybe he already emailed me, so I immediately took my cellphone from the table and opened it.

When I opened it I saw that he had an email so I opened it.


Compose Email:

Do you want to go to that place? tomorrow I will go. if you want to come, I'll pick you up from your company.

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