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"Ate h'wag ka muna kaya pumasok?" Timothy asked me so I raised my eyebrow to him.

"And why?" I asked still raising my eyebrow.

"Kasi baka mamaya mangyari nanaman 'yung nangyari kahapon, ayaw ko lang maulit." he reason and he even scratched his head.

"Ayaw ko nga." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Nice, dalasan mo 'yan ate huh? Kasi alam mo ba? Sumasakit na ulo ko kakausap sa'yo tapos puro English." he said and I rolled my eyes again.

"Timothy, please stop pestering me and I'm still going to Company." I told him and left at my room.

I was in the room earlier when Timothy came to me just to annoy me.

"Ate naman, eh h'wag na matigas ang ulo sa isang linggo ka na lang muna mag trabaho at sasabihin ko kay Dad 'yon saka nando'n naman si Shaina para siya muna ang gumawa ng trabaho mo, kaya ka nga may Secretary para may mga gumawa ng trabaho mo kapag busy ka o siya ang p'wedeng gumawa ng mga kailangan mong gawin." he said so I faced him, before I spoke I took deep breath.

"Fine. P-pero lahat ng iuutos ko gagawin mo." I told him and he just frown.

"Sige na nga," he pouting said. "Nag Tagalog ka na kaya papayag na ako." he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why do you always want me to speak Tagalog?" I asked.

"Kasi nga nakakadugo ka na ng utak, lalo na kapag nag sasalita ka ng marami tapos English, ang hirap kaya no'n na intindihin." he said.

I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Ate saan ka pupunta?" he asked.

"Art room." I shortly said.

"Sama ako." he told me and I just nodded and continued walking.

"Mag pe-paint ka ate?" he asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Eh? Anong ginagawa mo dito?" he asked.

"I just want to see something."

"Ano 'yon?" he asked so I picked the painting and let him see it.

"This, I want to see this." I told him.

"Wow ayan 'yung pi-naint mo 'di ba? Bakit naman gusto mong makita 'yan?" he asked again.

"Because this is my comfort zone when I was a kid." I told him and he was amaze by what I said.

"Nice, e 'di d'yan kayo pumupunta nila kuya Miller?" he said mischievously.

I stopped for a minute but I still answered his question.

"Y-yes." I said.

"Wow, biglang nautal huh? Ang alam ko kapag nagta-Tagalog ka lang nauutal." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I irritated said.

"Wala ka bang gusto kay kuya Miller?" he asked but I didn't answer him because I really don't know the answer.

I don't know what I feel toward him right now.

I just don't know...

"You know what? Just get me some snack, I kinda hungry right now." I changed the topic because I'm not comfortable when the topic is about my feelings. It's complicated.

"Naku si Ate iniiba ang usapan." he teasing me.

"Hey stop it I was just hungry and don't forget about your promise, that you always obey what I want." I told him.

"Sabi ko nga ito na po kukuhanan na po kita ng pagkain." he said.

"No junk food!" I told him.

"I know." he said.

He really knows that I don't like junk food.

I just waited him.

I was just refusing his answer so I making an excuse.

Because I'm confused right now I went to the cabinet next to my paintings and picked up a dictionary.

Dictionary that Miller gave it to me.

I smiled sadly because I remember how much how happy I am when Miller and I are goods, no hate, no problems, no pain and no enemies well I always have a enemies but not just like this, and my Mama is still by my side and just happy.

But the world change so do I.

I open the dictionary and the letter that Miller wrote is still stuck at the dictionary.

I hid it and did not throw it away because it is also important to me.

Two papers are placed there because there is also the letter when he teaches me English and the other one is with the dictionary that he gave me.

I read it again because I just want to.

'Aalis na ako, Uuwi na ako sa Manila kung saan ako naka tira.

Mag ingat ka dito.

Sana magkita ulit tayo mahal kong kaibigan.

Una pa lang alam kong gusto na kita kaso alam kong kaibigan lang ang turing mo sa'kin.

Nung una tayong mag kita hindi ko alam ang gagawin ko kaya inirapan na lang kita.

Ang dami kong gustong sabihin sa'yo pero kung gusto mong mag kita tayo.

Sa may likod ng school na pinapasukan mo ando'n ako mamaya ng alas syete.

At gusto kong malaman mo na na gusto kita.'

I read it carefully.

I picked another letter and read it again.

"Basahin mo 'yan para matuto kang mag English hindi ko na magagawang turuan kang mag English dahil aalis na rin ako, alam kong wala kang pakialam kung kailan ako aalis pero sa Sunday ang alis ko gusto ko lang malaman mo kung kailan ako aalis. Sana sa tamang panahon at oras ay mag kita ulit tayo. Paalam Aria."

"Ano 'yan Ate?" Timothy appeared at my sight with a food.

I immediately hid it to my back but he saw it already.

"Dictionary ba 'yan? Bakit kailangan mo pang mag dictionary, eh puro ka na nga English, eh." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like what you think Timothy." I said and stood up and then returned the Dictionary to the cabinet.

"Ano nga 'yon Ate?" he asked and put the food on the table so he can catch up what I was holding.

"It was Dictionary you idiot." I irritated said.

"Patingin." he pleaded.

"No." I seriously said.

But he didn't listen to me because when I turned around to go to dinner, he went to the cabinet where I put the Dictionary.

It was too late because he already got it.

I didn't do anything because he had already read it.

I ignored him and went to the table and ate because I was really hungry.

"Wow may pa letter, ito ba ang walang gusto? Eh, tinatago mo pa nga ang mga binigay niya sa'yo, eh." he said I just ignored him and just eat.

"Ito Ate seryosong tanong." he seriously asked so I looked at him with a question eyes.

"Gusto mo ba si kuya Miller?" he asked so I avoided his eyes and looked at the food.

"Hey, h'wag mo akong iwasan ng tingin, ano? May gusto ka sa kan'ya 'no? Sabihin mo na promise tayong dalawa lang makakaalam." he said and he even raise his hand.

I looked at him with a deadly serious face.

"A little bit." I shortly said and eat again.

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