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When my order has arrived, I finished my meal immediately because I don't want to see him again.

When I finished eating, I was about to go but then he stood up so I hurried to go outside. I don't even know why I'm feeling nervous right now about him who was about to see me when he don't know who I am at all.

I went out and ignored him and I was just focused on the front. We went out the door once more but I just kept walking while he stopped as if thinking.

I just let it go and walked again but he suddenly spoke.

"Hey, Miss." he said as if I was the one talking so I took a deep breath before facing him.

"Yes?" I asked when we were facing each other.

"Do I know you? You really look familiar." he said as he walked and still seemed to wonder if he really knew me.

Because of what he said I swallowed hard and didn't know what to say.

"I don't know you Mister, you've must be mistaken." I said.

"Hmm? is that so? By the way I'm Alexander and you are?" he said and he held out his hand as if shaking hands but I just looked at it and then looked at him without emotion.

I know you as well.

"I don't care who you are." I uttered.

He suddenly lowered his hand as if embarrassed.

"Whoops, sorry." he uttered.

I ignored him and walked away again.

"Ang sungit naman." I even heard him whisper.

When I was far away I was still there breathing easy. I didn’t seem to be breathing properly while talking to him.

I get in the car and my driver start the engine.

"Can we go through the drive thru so I can bring some food for my brother." I said that's why my driver just nodded.

We did drive thru so I bought my brother's favorite to eat.

When I got home I immediately called my brother to get the food I had brought for him.

"Timothy come here, I brought your favorite food!" I shouted because it looked like it was in his room again and he couldn't hear me.

"Timothy!!" I shout louder than before.

I heard him coming down because it looked like he was running just to make it easier for me to come and get the food I brought for him.

"Ate!!" he said and then came up to me to hug me. I am two years older than him but his mind is like a child but sometimes he is serious when it comes to serious things.

"I brought you two hamburgers and two drinks because I know just one won't fit you. but what I'm wondering is, why aren't you gaining weight?" I said because I was really surprised. because of what I said he just laughed.

"I don't know, Ate, as long as all I know is I'm really handsome." he said and then winked.

"Whatever Timothy, just eat there and dont talk to much."  I said and then rolled my eyes at him. I left and ignored him. I went to my room to rest.

I'm tired today I'm even more tired just because I saw him. So annoying.

Because of tired I fell asleep immediately.

I woke up early so I still have time to jog. But I couldn't jog because there was a sudden meeting today so I was quick to get ready so I wouldn't be late for work.

When I had finished grooming myself, my driver was called to take me to the Davis Company.

When I arrived I was quick to walk. I got on the elevator and when the elevator door was closed, suddenly someone blocked it and the man I didn't expect entered.

Why is he here? what is he doing here?

"Oh, you again, hi miss." he said smiling but I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Do i look like a ghost? hey don't you want to talk to me? I'm not a bad person, so don't be afraid." he said and waved his hand.

I ignored him and just watched the elevator rise.

"I just want to be friends with you, why don't you want to talk to me?" further dramatizing it.

"Mister please shut the fuck up. I don't talk to strangers." I said irritably.

"But I introduced myself to you yesterday, are we still strangers?" He dramatically said.

"I really don't know you okay? so please stop bothering me you're so annoying." I said irritably.

He could no longer speak because the elevator had opened. I left without saying a word and just left him there. I have to be hurry because I have to be early because I am the CEO of the company.

When I entered the conference room there were already people but the seats were empty, there was still no guest who needed to be entertained.

I sat down and talked to my secretary.

"Who are we waiting for? you said the visitor is here then why isn't here yet?" I whispered to her. Irritated now.

"He said he was late because he just went through something." she said and was scared now.

"Who's our guest today?" I asked calmly.

"Mr. Walker po Ma'am." she uttered.

I stopped because of what she said.

Walker? is he the one he is referring to? n-no that won't happen, but why is the last name I hate mentioned? isn't he the one being referred to?

I just stopped thinking when the door opened and the man I really didn't want to see came in. Our eyes met and his earlier emotions that were happy now seemed to be very serious. all I can say is he is scary but I was never scared of him.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I talked to someone while going here so I'm sorry if I'm late." He seriously said while looking into my eyes.

"Next time, don't be late, it's clear?" I said with no emotion.

The meeting has already started and all I can say is that he seems to be very focused on everything I say. I don't know if he's listening or he's staring at me, but I don't want to assume.

Season 2: The Truth To Be Told [COMPLETED✓]Where stories live. Discover now