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"That's all for today. Have lunch first, my secretary will bring food here." I said when the meeting was over. because I said it was over, they were already talking, so the conference room became noisy which I don't want because it's annoying. Even though I was irritated by the noise I endured because they were guests and I didn’t want to ruin my image as CEO.

I just sat down and turned on my cellphone so that even if I was annoyed by the noise, my temper would gradually disappear and I wouldn't shout at them.

My secretary has left to pick up the food I ordered at the expensive restaurant.

"Hello miss CEO Addison Rya Davis, I said I will also know your name miss Addison" he said and then winked. I didn't realize that he was sitting next to me. I rolled my eyes at him and turned on the cellphone again.

I just ignored him and just looked at the cellphone.

"Hey talk to me, you know you look like my friend but she's better than you because you don't want to talk to me then you're to quiet, because my friend is beautiful, kind, then noisy unlike you..." I was stunned because of what he was saying, I didn’t know what I was going to react to because of what he was saying.

I turned to face him and looked at him frighteningly.

"Mister I don't know what you're going to say, but please don't compare me to your friend because we're different okay?" I told him.

Before he could speak my secretary arrived with the food.

My secretary gave food to the guests and I turned on my cellphone again and just ignored them.

I don't know why this man hasn't left my side yet, if he hasn't left my side yet maybe I can't control myself and the anger I'm holding back has come out.

"Ma'am this is your lunch." my secretary said smiling but I just nodded and turned on my cellphone again. I'm looking for something I can paint later when I'm not doing much.

"Hindi ka kakain?" He asked me again so I closed my eyes tightly because I really couldn't control my anger anymore.

I took a deep breath first to calm my emotions.

I looked at him deeply.

"Can you please mind you own business? if you don't stop, I'll let you out in no time." I whispered to him.

But instead of being scared he just smiled sweetly.

"Eat that, because I don't know anyone here so I'm just talking to you. Am I going to be talkative?" He asked. I rolled my eyes because of what he was saying that only made me even more irritated.

I ignored him and looked again at my cellphone that can be painted later.

I don't know why he's here in our company, doesn't Papa know that? my first order is I don't want anyone to get in here that I hate people.

"Mahilig ka pala mag paint?" he asked again. Even though I didn't want to talk to him I just answered the question.

"Yes." I said and I was still looking at the phone.

"Pwede ako magpa-paint sa'yo?" he asked so I looked at him and I thought deeply.

I don't see anything now that I can paint, so maybe I can paint what he wants me to paint.

"All right, I can't think of anything that can be painted now, so I'll paint what you want as long as you give me a pic when I paint." I said without emotion, because of what I said I saw him smile. he immediately took out his cellphone to show me the picture he wanted me to paint.

"Ito, maganda tong lugar na 'to, eh favorite namin puntahan 'to nung kaibigan ko dati." as he was speaking I already knew what he was referring to. I didn't know what to do when I saw the place he was talking about.

The place I always go.

The place is my comfort zone.

The place I always run to when I have a problem.

The place that only we know and that's where our friendship was formed.

I wanted to cry because of the place he showed up but I suppressed it and hid the simmering emotion.

"H-hey are you okay?" he said anxiously, because maybe I didn't move in my seat.

"I'm alright, just send it to me." I said and then avoided looking at the picture he showed me.

I don’t know if I can paint it well later without crying.

He sent me many pictures because he took a picture of every corner.

"Pero bago 'yan pwedeng kainin mo muna 'yan." he said and then smiled sweetly.

I didn't do anything and rolled my eyes and just ate because I was also hungry.

He clapped his hands because I had already eaten.

I ignored him and just ate quietly.

"Sir, ang galing niyo po." I heard my secretary whisper to him.

"Huh?" he asked in confused.

"Ang galing niyo po kasi ngayon lang may nakapag pakain kay Ma'am ng lunch, ang galing." I heard my secretary whisper to him again so I immediately looked at them badly so my secretary immediately walked away from us and smiled awkwardly.

"Bakit 'di ka kumakain ng lunch?" he asked me when my secretary left.

"What do you care? And please stop acting like you care, shut up will you?" I said irritated.

"Okay, pero sana kumain ka 'man lang buti nga tinatanong kita na ganyan, eh. Ganyan kaba talaga? Lagi mo siguro pinagtutulakan ang mga taong gustong pumasok sa mundo mo 'no?" he said so I just rolled my eyes. he got up from his seat and then went to where he was sitting before, before he sat down next to me and annoyed me.

When he left there I was able to breathe easily and eat well.

When lunch was over, I let them out of the conference and I went home.

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