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When the meeting ended I stood up.

I called Shaina because I had something to say.

"Yes Ma'am?" she answered immediately.

"Bring some food to the conference room." I said and dropped the call and didn't wait for her to say anything.

"My Secretary will come to bring food and you can eat as well, I'll leave you here because I still have work to do." I said and I was about to leave when he spoke.

"Hindi ka kakain?" he asked.

"No, I'm full." I said.

"Sure ka? anong oras na kaya baka magutom ka."

"I said I'm full okay? Shut up." I irritated said.

"Thank you, I just forgot to eat earlier because--" I didn't let him finish speaking.

"You're welcome." I'm cut off from what he's going to say.

I left and I didn't listen to him anymore, I didn't care.

"Grabe naman hindi 'man lang ako pinatapos." I heard him whisper but I just ignored him and went out the door.

"Hello Ma'am I'm Addison Davis The CEO of Davis Company where do you want to have a meeting?" I asked Mrs. Santos, I contact her.

"Can we meet at the Cafe? I'm already here." she answered.

"Sure, which cafe Ma'am?" I asked while walking.

"Near at your Company." she answered.

"Alright, give me 5 minutes Ma'am." I said and hung up the call.

I looked in my bag and it looked like something was missing so I checked again.

The files that Mrs. Santos needed to sign are missing.

So I think the files are in the conference room.

I returned to the conference room.

"I told you don't touch her, didn't I? Yesterday she was almost hurt! Do you know that? When I find out that she was hurt again you will know where the hell really is. I repeat she is not what you are looking for okay? so stop pestering her, do you understand?" he said so I was wondering who he was talking to and who he was referring to but I just ignored it and entered the conference room so he was shocked when I suddenly entered.

"K-kanina ka pa?" he asked but I just shook my head and took the files I left.

"I just forgot these files." I said so he just nodded.

"Okay, did you hear anything?" he asked but I just shook my head.

"Bye, I'm really in a hurry. I'm leaving." I said and go out.

I was in a hurry to walk because Mrs. Santos might be bored.

When I got to the cafe, I immediately saw Mrs. Santos so I immediately approached her.

"Hi Mrs. Santos Im Addison Davis nice to see you, so? Let's start?"

"Of course, you can start now." shee said that's why I took out the files and I discussed what he needed to do and what not to do.

When we finished the meeting, I left her at the Cafe and went to the office, I was hungry.

When I got to my office Timothy was still there and sleeping but Shaina was gone, so I sat in my swivel chair and then called Shaina.

"Shaina can you bring food here to my office? I am hungry." I said when she answered my call.

"Of course Ma'am, give me 3 minutes and the food is already there." she said so I just thanked her and turned off the call.

"Oh Ate nandito ka na pala, saan ka galing?" Timothy asked. I was surprised because I thought he was asleep but I still answered.

"In the cafe, there's a meeting there." I said so he just nodded.

"What time are we going to pick them up?" I  asked.

"About 7PM Ate." he said so I just nodded.

Shaina also came with food so I ate because I was very hungry.

"Ate uuwi pa ba tayo o deretso na tayo sa airport?" Timothy asked that's why I looked at him.

""Let's go straight to the airport so we don't waste time." I said that's why he scratched his head so I looked at him to ask him.

"Why?" I asked him, wondering.

"Hindi ka ba napapagod mag English Ate? parehas naman tayong nanggaling sa States pero hindi naman ganyang puro English ka na lang well mas matagal ka nga lang do'n." he said that's why I rolled my eyes at him.

"N-nahihirapan p-pa ako and I'm still adjusting." I stuttering said.

"Nag a-adjust ka na niyan? Eh, hindi nga kita narinig na nag Tagalog, eh." he also said and I rolled my eyes again.

I spoke Tagalog once when I talked to Mang Makoy.


"Whatever." he even tease me.

"Timothy." I warned him he just laugh.

"Okay, titigil na masyadong mainit ang ulo mo 'no?"

"Shut up." I irritated said.

"Okay, okay kalma kapatid ako pa rin 'to 'yung kapatid mong pogi." he said before he leave me at my office.

At seven I immediately called Timothy, so that we could pick them up at the airport.

"Ate tara na." he said to me.

"Did you come here to watch over me or Shaina? You spend more time with Shaina than me." I said because it was true that Shaina was the reason why she wanted to watch me.

"Ay sus nag selos pa siya ano ka ba Ate syempre gusto kitang bantayan pero bonus na 'yung kay Shaina." he said mischievously.

"Whatever, let's go." I told him so we went to my car and started the engine.

When we arrived at the airport we waited a few more minutes.

Just a few minutes later, we saw Papa, so Timothy immediately ran to them and I just stayed and watched them hug.

They approached me so I immediately approached Papa and hugged him.

"I missed you." Dad whispered to me so I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you too Papa." I said and let go of the hug.

"Addison, I have no hug?" said Tita Stella, Wife of Papa and Mother of Timothy.

"Of course Tita, here." I said and then hugged her.

"I miss you hija." she said.

"I missed you too Tita Stella." I told her and she's the one who let go of our hugging.

"You're really beautiful Addison." she smiled at me so I smiled too. It's like she's my Mama but Mama is different from Tita Stella.

"Masungit naman." Timothy interjected in the conversation so I stared at him and he just  peace signed so I rolled my eyes at him.

"I know Papa and Tita are tired from the trip so let's go and get some rest." I said that's why they just nodded.

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