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"N-no, I don't need therapy because I'm okay." I said, closing my eyes tightly because I did not accept what the doctor said.

I'm really fine. I don't need therapy, I just fainted earlier because, maybe I'm just tired and I'm also thinking a lot and then I'm stressed because since Miller came everything has become complicated.

I immediately remembered that Miller would also say something to me and then he was acting weird earlier, but I just didn't think about it because Timothy spoke.

"Anong hindi mo kailangan ng therapy? Ate naman, you need to do therapy because that will help you, please Ate kahit ngayon lang listen to me naman, you always like that, you always says that you are okay but your not, please Ate." he said and I just rolled my eyes of what he said.

"Whatever Timothy, I just think about that but please let me rest now, I'm really tired right now, come with me tomorrow morning
let's visit Mrs. Anderson so we know her condition. She saved my life after all and I have to thank her." I said and closed my eyes.

"Okay, I just go downstairs and tell everyone to leave. And by the way your boyfriend is here." he said that's why I open my eyes immediately.

"What?! W-wait, what boyfriend? I don't have boyfriend." I tell him, and he just laugh.

"Oh you sure ate? Akala ko boyfriend mo siya, sabi mo, eh. And I'm telling the truth nandito siya." he said but I looked at him with questions eyes.

"What are you talking about? Who are you referring to?" I asked.

"'Yung lalaki kaninang nasa office mo Ate 'yung kasama mo ang sama nga ng tingin niya sa'kin, eh. Tapos alam mo ba? Nung pagdating niya dito parang nagulat pa siyang nakita na nandito ako pero mas ako ang nagulat kasi 'di ko o hindi natin inaasahan na pupunta siya dito, and Ate paano niya nalaman bahay natin?"  I sighed because of what he said nonsense.

"Are you talking Miller?" I asked and because of that he nodded and he even gave me a thumbs up.

"Miller pala pangalan niya? Sino ba 'yon Ate?"

"What is he doing here?" I asked irritated.

"Ewan ko, about daw sa painting, eh ewan ko."

Oh, right the painting...

"W-wait did Miller see our members?" I asked because I don't want Miller know my group.

"Why? Is he the enemy?" he asked.

"Kind of, but don't tell everyone to get out of the warehouse, just tell them to stay put and let them wait Miller get the painting and they can leave, understand? I'll go downstairs." I said and get up at the bed.

When I get the downstairs I saw him at the couche.

"There you are, I know you didn't expect me to come here pero napagisipan kong kunin na 'yung painting kasi mag lilipat ako ng gamit." he explained.

"Whatever, just follow me." I said and he did what I said.

When we are at the art rooms he amazed.

"Wow, you have so many paintings, can I touch and see it?" he asked I just nodded and let him to see my artworks. I sat at my couche.

"You really good at painting, why wouldn't you  sell them? You really good at it." he suggested but I just rolled my eyes because I don't care of what he say. I really don't like to sell my artworks but because he suggested it maybe it kinda good but I think about it.

"I don't want to."

"Okay, I don't push you. Just tell me if you change your mind I know where can you sell it." he said and I just nodded, he looked again of my artworks.

"Choose what you want, and how did you know where my house is?" I asked because I was really wondering.

"Sikat kaya ang Davis Company, kaya madali lang kayo mahanap, and by the way anong ginagawa nung lalaki kanina sa may office mo?"

"It's because he's living here, and we're living together is any problem of that?" I asked because he doesn't need to know about Timothy, what does he care?

"W-what? A-are you living together? Woah woah wait are two dating or husband and wife?" he said and it's made me laugh.

"What are talking about?" I said still laughing.

"You're so funny."

"You're beautiful." he suddenly said that's why I stop laughing and looked at him with no emotion.

"When your smile and laugh." he also said.

"Stop talking nonsense, and please we're not dating and he's not my husband. Silly." I said and I just whisper the last word I said.

"And why are two living together?" he asked.

"What do you care? Just choose what you want and you can leave, I have so many things to do."

"Alright, I already choose. This one, the one on the sunset and there's a girl, she's alone but she's happy when she is alone and sunset make her happy, I think this girl on the painting love sunset. But you know what? I want to tell the girl that she doesn’t need to be alone because someone is waiting for her when she realizes that she doesn’t need to be alone." he said that's why it's makes me admire him.

"You really can read the painting huh? Alright, you already choose what you want, you may leave now."

"Ay grabe siya, oh. Sabi ko nga aalis na madaling madali?" he said and he even rolled his eyes.

When we got out of the art rooms we were going to go upstairs but he suddenly stopped and looked at the door of the little warehouse so I immediately blocked it so he wouldn't look again.

"Ano 'yon? Nakita kong bumukas ito pero agad din nag sarado." he said and he looked at it again and because I'm small it's easy for him to see it because he's taller than me, even if I'm in heels he's still taller than me.

"It's a play room. Timothy's play room when he got bored." I lied but who cares?

"Okay." he slowly said and turn his back that's why I sighed in relief.

"Thanks for the painting." he shout when he was in the car and I just nodded.

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