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"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, I'm Shaina, Secretary of Ms. Addison, and I'm here to assist you because Ms. Addison need to take a break for now." Shaina said to them and Chantria is the first who react.

"Why? What happened, is she okay?" Chantria asked her, worriedly, even Shaina was confused how she react, she forced her self to smile and answer her question.

"Actually Mrs. Anderson I am not in a position to say what happened, I'm sorry." she said and looked down at the table.

"Ria, stop it." Zane whispered to her.

"What? I was worried." she whispered but Shaina didn't hear what they are talking.

"Just stop." he whispered again.

"No Zane, I won't stop." she whispered and faced Shaina.

"Shaina, please tell me what happened to My-- M-Ms. Addison?" she asked worriedly but Shaina looked at her awkwardly.

"Mrs. Anderson I'm sorry po talaga, let's start the meeting?" she said and Chantria didn't say a word because Zane hold her hand to stop her.

When the meeting ended Zane was in a comfort room, at si Shaina at Chantria na lang ang nasa conference room.

Chantria looked at her and hold her hand so Shaina looked at her with a question eyes.

"Shaina please just tell me, I'm just worried about her." she said and she looked at her pleaded.

"Mrs. Anderson bakit po ba gusto niyong malaman?" she asked became she really confused about her actions.

"I-I just worried about her, and gusto ko lang malaman kung ano ang kalagayan niya, para ko na siyang anak," she said and wiped her eyes because she doesn't notice that she was crying. "I lost my daughter." she said and Shaina looked at her.

'And I want my daughter back and hugged her tight.'

"Mrs. Anderson I'm sorry to hear that, pero kung gusto niyo pong malaman ang nangyari bakit hindi niyo po siya puntahan sa Mansion nila?" she said.

"I don't think if I could do that." Chantria said.

"Sure you can, kung gusto niyo po samahan ko kaya." she volunteered.

"Are you sure? Fine, later 5 PM. Is that okay?" she said.

"Okay po Mrs. Anderson." she said.

"Ria let's go?" Zane asked her to leave.

"Coming, good bye Shaina. This is my number just contact me okay? Thank you so much." she said and left the conference room.

"Ria ano pinagusapan niyo?" Zane asked.

"Pupuntahan ko si Elle mamaya." she said and walk away, she didn't wait his response.

"What? Are you insane?" Zane said and Chantria stopped from walking.

"Yes Zane maybe I'm crazy but I want to know what happened, if she's okay or what? I'm just worried okay? Please understand me my daughter needs me." she said and tears drip from her eyes so Zane approach her and hugged her.

"Fine, I understand. I'm coming with you, as long as I'm here, you never walk alone okay? I love you." he said and Chantria just smiled at him.

"Thank you, Zane for everything." she said.

"Well... well." the woman said and she even clapped her hand.

"You look so cute my dearest best friend." Lilibeth said.

Season 2: The Truth To Be Told [COMPLETED✓]Where stories live. Discover now