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"And that's all, if you have concern and question, you can asked me. Just wait my secretary she'll bring a food for us." I explained.

I sat down and let them talk. While I was sitting, I remembered the painting, I hadn't given it to Miller yet.

I'm wondering if I'll give it to him or not, it's like I don't want to give it to him because I just want it and I also worked hard to paint... but I still have to give it, or so I say just give me the painting? arrgg I don't know, I don't know what to do. I'll just do my best so that he agrees to let me have the painting.

While I was thinking, Mrs. Ria suddenly spoke, that's why I looked at her.

"Your secretary is already here and she has food with her, we are going to eat and you too Miss Addison." she said that's why I looked at her and smiled.

"Thank you for your concern Mrs. Ria but I'm really okay, I'm still full. Enjoy your lunch." I said in polite.

She's still hesitant and wanted to say something but Mr. Anderson stopped her.

Because of her actions I immediately remembered my Mother. I immediately averted my eyes from them and just looked somewhere to stop the tears that wanted to drip when I remembered Mama.

I miss my Mama...

Because of the emotion I felt I immediately looked at them to say goodbye.

"Mr. and Mrs. Anderson can I excuse myself I badly need to go to the bathroom, if you have a question my secretary is there and you can ask her, excuse me." I excused myself and leave them at the conference room.

I'm not really going to the bathroom I just want to breathe air and to release the pain I was feeling before. As I was walking to the rooftop I saw Miller but I ignored him and just kept walking. I don't know if he saw me or what, but I don't care anymore I want to cry first. If he sees me crying he can see my real eyes because I can't cry while wearing contact lenses so I always stop my tears and dont cry in front of him.

"Hey." Miller said and he even hold my wrist that's why I stopped walking and faced him. I immediately stop my tears from dripping so he wouldn't that I'm going to cry.

"What?" I said with no emotion when I faced him.

"Are you alright? You look sad?..." He asked. And not sure, if he figure that I'm sad.

"I'm good, but I really have to go. Bye." I said and turned around.

I no longer waited for what he would say because I was in a hurry to go to the rooftop. When I entered the rooftop I immediately closed the door, maybe he would follow me.

When I got to the rooftop, I removed my contact lenses first. I sat down on a clean chair and let the tears drip that I had been holding back.

While crying I heard someone knocking on the door and I knew it was Miller, he really followed me huh?

I ignored him and cried silently so that no one would hear me crying.

"Hey, Miss Addison are you really okay? I think you're not really fine, may problema ka ba? Kung gusto mo ng kausap andito lang ako you can lean on my shoulder and cry." he shout that's why I looked at the door. I smiled of what he said but I immediately changed that smile to serious.

It's all your fault miller...

If you didn't show yourself to me my emotions would not have started to change. because of you I feel pain again that I don't want to experience, I'm feel happy and I'm even smile, for 7 years that I never show of any emotion I have, but you, you are the only one can make me feel like this, because of you I have nothing else to blame but you.

I hate you...

I stopped myself from crying and I wear a new contact lenses again.

I sighed before I open the door.

I saw Miller leaning against the wall as if waiting for someone.

"There you are, akala ko hindi ka na lalabas, eh." he said but I refuse to answer and ignore him. I walked as fast as I can.

"Hey!" he shout but I ignored him again and continued walking.

"Hey, may sasabihin ako!" he shout again.

"Addison Rya Davis!" he shout my full name that's why I stopped walking and faced him.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated.

"Oh, easy woman, gusto ko lang sabihin ay nasaan na 'yung painting?" he said that's why I stunned but I immediately get back to my senses.

"Oh, that... Uhm." I uttered and I don't even know what should say to him.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"I-i really want that p-painting, can I have the painting?" I pleaded.

"Gusto mo pala 'yon pagiisipan ko." he said that's why I frowned at him, when he saw my reaction, he laughed.

"Okay, fine it's yours but can I have the one painting? kahit 'yung tulay na lang 'yung akon ayos na." he said.

"But..." I whispered.

"Hmm?" he hummed again.

"But I really want that, can you just give me that? And I give you one of my paintings it's that okay?" I said still wanting the painting and offered him if he wants one of my paintings.

"Okay, pero gusto ko ako ang pumili." he said.

I think about that because if he really wants to choose with his own he need to go my house? No way. But I don't have a choice...

"Okay... It's a deal." I said with no emotion.

He just smiled at me.

I turned around and going back to my office but he suddenly said something.

"By the way, you're right what your saying before we parted, you and Aria are different. I'm sorry if I compared you to my best friend." he whispered to me.

Season 2: The Truth To Be Told [COMPLETED✓]Where stories live. Discover now