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When he left I immediately went to the little warehouse.

"Timothy, I told you not to let them out, right? And who came out earlier? Do you know that you're about to get caught? My gosh!" I said in stressed.

"Calm down Ate, you will faint again. You're to much stress now, and please Ate be calm alright?" he said and I just rolled my eyes and sat on the chair.

"And ako 'yung lumabas kasi akala ko nakaalis na 'yung boyfriend-- I mean si Kuya Miller kaya  lumabas ako pero agad ko rin naman nasarado bago pa siya makatingin ehe sorry na Ate."

"Whatever, and don't leave. We have so many to talked about." I told them.

"What is it Ate?" he asked.

"The man I was with before was Alexander Miller Walker, he was the only son of the Walkers and they also had a big company but the Davis Company was bigger than their company, he was one of those who invested in the Davis company."

"Ma'am, I don't want to interrupt you pero bakit niyo po sinasabi ang about sa 'kanya." Najifah said, one of my members. She's Muslim.

I smiled at her sweetly.

"You already interrupt me but anyway he's Casper's cousin." I told them and they shocked of what I said.

"So kalaban po siya Ma'am?" Grace asked, Najifah's friend ang also my member.

"Kind of. I really don't know his identity and I don’t know his purpose why he invested in the Davis Company. so I don't want you'll to leave yet because I want to tell you that you need to investigate him and find out all the information about him and what his relationships are with Casper and the Eddison's." I said and they'll listening to me that's why I continue what I was talking.

"I will be assigned to you and the ones I have chosen are you Excel, Najifah, Shaina, and Timothy. I need you Timothy to see what the three of them do and the rest of you to take care of the other members of the Eddison's Mafia."

"Pero Ate sino na ang mag babantay sa'yo? Kailangan mo rin 'yon Ate." Timothy said and I sighed because of what he said.

"I told you I can handle myself." I said in irritated.

"Alright let them Najifah and Excel handle Miller because they are the computer experts and you Timothy and Shaina will take care of me. Arrgg so annoying." I annoyingly said.

Najifah and Excel is the computer expert, well Timothy and Shaina know how to hacked account but not all about the computer.

"Okay that's all, you all may now leave." I said and they all stood up and before they leave they also bowed they're head.

When they left, Timothy and I were the only ones left.

"Ay, Ate may sasabihin ako." he said that's why I frustrated looked at him.

"Easy, gusto ko lang sabihin na uuwi na sila Mom and Dad galing sa New York." he said and I was surprised. He was talking his Mother and Papa.

"When?" I asked.

"Tomorrow evening." he said and I just nodded.

"Okay, but tomorrow you need to come with me alright? I just want to visit Mrs. Chantria because of what she did." I told him and he just nodded.

I got up to go out but before I could open the doorknob he spoke so I closed my eyes tightly.

"Ate." he called my name.

"What?! Make sure this is important because I'm so tired Timothy. What do you want to say?" I said irritated.

"I just want to asked something." he said so I faced him.

"What is it?" I asked calmly.

"What happened to your past? If it's okay to you that we talked about it? but it's not I understand. I don't force you. I just want to know." he said that's why I was stunned by what he said but I immediately went back to reality and sat on the couch next to the door, he also sat across from me to listen to me.

"When I was a child I was kidnapped, and I didn't know them, one day I was just surprised because I was with Mama who was kidnapped too so even though I was scared then, Mama and I still tried to escape. Then people came and forced me to marry her son but Mama didn't want to and I didn't want to either, and because we didn't want to, he get angry with us but I didn't care but before that we heard a loud explosion that's why they were all came out, Mama and I are the only ones, the whole house was on fire and we didn't know what to do, but Mama thought of a way she helped me to remove what was tied to me and when the one tied to my foot was removed she tried on herself but it was hard, she couldn't leave so Mama told me to leave, first I didn't want to do it but I had no choice, when I got out of the room they locked us in, I asked for help but a wood fell on my face so I couldn't stand but someone also came for rescued me, so when I got out I was able to rest and that's when I just remembered Mama so I told them but it was too late the whole house exploded and was Mom is still inside. That's why I'm so angry with the Eddison's Mafia because I lost my Mama. "I said the whole story that happened then, even though I was very sick of that story, I still told it well. I cried because I remembered that, so he hugged me.

"Shush, everything will be okay. You can take revenge for what happened to your Mom. don't worry because I will help you. At saka puwede mo rin naman maging Mama si Mommy, eh." he said and I just smiled at him.

"And I want to say something." I told him and waited for what I would say.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

"Miller and I are used to be best friend." I told him and he was shocked.

Season 2: The Truth To Be Told [COMPLETED✓]Where stories live. Discover now