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When we arrived at the mansion, Papa and Tita didn't go upstairs because Tita Stella said she would give us something.

"Timothy this is for you." Tita Stella said to Timothy and handed the laptop to him so Timothy happily took the laptop and happily hugged his Mommy.

"Thank you Mom, I love you. I really need this because my laptop is broken so sometimes I borrow from Ate but she's mean." he said then he frowned at me, the last thing he said so we all laughed. I really don't want to lend him my laptop because he will just download games and my laptop will be ruined after he borrowed it.

"I just mean at you because you may be broke my laptop I won't let that happen." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Maduling ka sana." he whispered but I still hear it.

"Shut up Timothy, you will never see Shaina if you can't stop teasing me hmp." I told him that's why he looked at me badly.

"Ate naman, eh." he pouting said.

"Oh stop na. Addison this is for you hope you like it." she said and handed me the small box but it was rectangular shape. I opened it and saw the necklace and the pendant was... moon.



Because I saw the pendant I remembered Mama because she also gave me a necklace and the pendant was also moon but I lost it when I was kidnapped.

"Ate, are you okay?"

"Addison hey what's wrong?"

"Rya what happened? Are you okay?"


I immediately went back to reality when Timothy hugged me.

"A-ate? Don't cry please, do you have a problem Ate?" crying Timothy said so I also touched my face and noticed that I was crying.

When I touched my face I could feel my contact lenses and I knew they had been removed because I was crying. I just removed my two contact lenses and then let go of our hug.

"I-I'm sorry for being emotional I j-just remembered Mama, she also gave me a necklace and the pendant is Moon." I explained.

"It's okay, it's normal to missed your Mother and I'm sorry Addison for giving that necklace I don't know that your Mother also gave you the same necklace, may be next time I just give you a bracelet." Tita Stella said but I just smiled at her and hugged her.

"Thank you Tita but it's okay I just keep that necklace." I told her.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Of course Tita Stella, thank you p-pala d-dito." I said and Timothy who react first because I say Tagalog.

"Wow Ate dumating lang sila Mommy at Daddy nag Tagalog ka na sana dati mo pa 'yan ginawa dumudugo na ulo ko kaka-english mo, eh." he said that's why we all laugh again.

"You're so over reacting I can spoke Tagalog but I always stutter so I only spoke English." I told him.

"Ay wait meron din ibibigay sa'yo ang Papa mo Addison." Tita Stella said so I looked at him.

"What is it Papa?" I asked.

"Here." he handed me a two box of canvas so I took the canvas that he gave me.

"Thank you Papa." I said and hugged him.

"You're welcome, there's a paint brush in the inside of box, and there's so much different types of paint brush because I know you really love painting." he said and kissed my forehead before he let go of our hugging.

"Rya you're beautiful when you haven't wear your contact lenses." Papa told me so I stopped breathing because of what he said but that was only for a moment because I also immediately went back to reality and smiled at what he said.

"Why do you want to wear a contact lenses? Besides you're beautiful without your contact lenses kinakahiya mo ba ang kulay ng mata mo?" he said to me, that's why I laughed.

"Papa, I'm not ashamed of my eyes, you know the reason why I wear contact lenses, right? I don't want them to know me as Aubrielle Aria so I have to wear contact lenses, my face has changed, but my eyes haven't changed so I have no choice but to wear contact lenses. " I explain to them.

"Yeah, yeah I know but how long you gonna keep wearing those contact lenses?" he asked.

"When I faced them." I said.

"Alright let's get some rest we're just tired right now." Tita Stella interrupt.

"Okay, good night Mommy and Daddy." Timothy said and kissed his Mother."

"Good night son, good night Addison." Tita Stella said and I smiled at her and approach at her and kissed her cheeks.

"Good night." I said and go upstairs to take a rest.

When I entered my room I go bathroom first to take a half bath. When I'm done to take a half bath I went straight to my vanity table and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked into my eyes and I couldn't help but smile because Papa was right, blue eyes are better for me but I really need to wear contact lenses.

I combed my short hair and smiled at the mirror before I went to my bed and lay down.

When I woke up it was only seven o'clock so I still had time to jog.

I got up, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I was wearing fitted jogging pants and a fitted cropped top.

I tied my short hair and just sprayed a little of my Victoria secret perfume.

I left the mansion to go jogging.

While jogging I noticed that someone was following me so I run faster, but the one following me also running faster than me.

I saw a big wall so I went there and stopped, I waited for him to come here so I would know what he needed.

When I saw him and he was close I immediately pulled him and pushed him in the wall.

"Who are you? What do you need from me? Why do you always follow me?" I asked him because I also noticed him when I'm with Mrs. Santos at the Cafe and I also noticed him at the airport when we picked up Tita Stella and Papa last night.

"Relax woman, I just want to know if my cousin's telling the truth, so he's right you're not who were looking for, hi Miss Addison Davis nice to see you." he said.

"Who are you." I said still holding his back.

"I'm Maverick Jett Eddison."

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