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I just nodded at what he said and turned around to go back to my office.

I'll just ask my secretary what's going on in the conference room, I don't want to go there because I might just remember Mama again.

I don't want to cry again.

Sometimes it's hard to face reality.

But you don't have a choice just to face it.

Don't be coward...

I'm tired thinking at all.

Sometimes I wish I had never met Miller, I wish no kidnapping had happened and most of all I wish I hadn't lost my Mama.

It's because of them...

Because of them I lost my Mama...

Because of thinking about what happened in the past, my anger returned to them again.

When I was in the States, I investigated them. I learned a lot about them so if something bad happened to my family, I would blame them.

There's a mafia named by Casper Lace Eddison and they name it by his surname 'Eddison' they called it Eddison's Mafia. I know Casper because he's the one who's the kid I met when I was kidnapped, when I was kidnapped there's a guy who Force me to marry his son but I don't and Mama too.

I will never forget that...

I go back to my senses when my cellphone's rang.

When I immediately saw Timothy's name on the caller I immediately answered it and maybe it was an emergency.

"Hello? Hello ate, my goodness kanina pa ako tumatawag ate, bakit ngayon mo lang sinagot?" he shout that's why I removed my phone at my ear.

"Hey, Timothy calm down. Why are you calling me anyway?" I tell him to calmed and I asked.

"Nasaan ka ngayon?" he seriously asked.

Timothy only gets serious once so I was surprised but even though I was surprised I still answered his question.

"I'm in the office, why?" I asked in confused.

"Stay ka lang d'yan okay? H'wag kang aalis, pupunta ako d'yan." he said but I'm still confused.

"Wait, wait what going on? Is there any problem!" I really confused right now, he's acting weird.

"I tell you later, see you. Just stay at your office okay ate? I love you." he said and hung up the call.

I don't know what to do, he really acting weird.

Just like what he said I stay at my office and do nothing just stare at the ceiling.

I was shocked when someone appeared at my office and it's Miller.

I looked at him with so much question in my eye.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

I expected the answer but I was surprised when he suddenly approached me and grabbed my two shoulders and looked at me... worried?

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he asked me worriedly so I looked at him curiously.

Before I could speak my door opened again and my brother entered so I was shocked when I look at it. While Timothy looked at us seriously and raised his eyebrow.

I immediately looked at Miller who was looking at my brother and then looked at me, when our eyes met I immediately pushed him to remove his hand on my shoulder. I got up and approached Miller.

"Hey, what is really happened? Tell me." I asked him but he still looking at Miller, I looked Miller too. Miller look at Timothy an eye to eye

Miller was looking at Timothy and they seemed to be talking as if they were eye to eye. I don’t know why I felt there was tension between them so I spoke again.

"Hey Timothy I was talking to you, answer me!" I shout that's why they both averted their eyes, Timothy looked at me worried.

Before he spoke he look again at Miller and spoke.

"If you don't mind, can you leave first we'll just talk." Timothy said.

He looked at me first and then at Timothy.

"I don't mind, but just hurry because I still have something to say to Ms. Addison." he said and he left, but before he could go out the door, he touched Timothy's shoulder and he just left.

When he left I immediately looked at Timothy to ask again.

"What's really going on?" I will ask.

"Sino 'yon ate? Boyfriend mo? Wait may boyfriend ka na? Bakit 'di ko alam 'yon? Nag se-sekreto ka na sa'kin ate? 'di mo na ba ako love? Ang sama mo ate." he dramatically said that's why I hit him on the head to stop him from talking nonsense.

"What are saying? You're so OA and please he's not my boyfriend." I irritated said.

"Ayiieee si ate. Eh, bakit nakita ko siyang nakahawak sa balikat mo? Nung pag pasok ko hmm." he said and that's make me irritated.

"Shut up, will you? W-wait you changed the topic, don't play me Timothy what's really going on? And why do you have to go in here?" Because of what I say he back to be serious and he looked me in the eye.

"Nag sisimula nanaman sila ate." he said but I don't know what he really mean of what he trying to say.

"W-what? I don't understand, what are you talking about?" I asked in confused.

He looked around acting like someone can hear what he's going to say.

"Can we talk about it later? Maybe when we are at the mansion, let's talk there." because of what he said I glare at him.

"Arrgg whatever, yeah let's talk about that in mansion, and I cancel all meetings right now I'm going home with you. Just wait I call my secretary." I said and he just nodded.

I picked up my cellphone and then called my secretary.

"Yes Ma'am?" she answered immediately.

"Canceled all meetings today, I going home early, just tell me if something bad happened." I said and hung up the call.

"Let's go?" he asked and I nodded.

I forgot that Miller have to tell me something but I ignored it because I need to go home. I know what's really happening I was just pretending that I don't know anything.

We're at the danger and we need to be secured.

I know it would be happened.

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