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I don't know how I will feel when I read his email to me. I feel happy because I was just planning to go there and now he wants to take me there. But I also feel sad because I'm going as Addison Rya Davis and not as Aubrielle Aria Sullivan I'm sad because I haven't been able to go there for a long time and I don't know if that place is still there because a few years have passed.

I went to bed right away to get ready tomorrow.

I want to go but I have to limit myself because I'm not the one I used to be, maybe he'll notice who I am.

I removed my contact lenses before going to sleep.

Sometimes I just want to change my eye and replace it with something not just blue because when he sees that my eyes are blue he might notice that I am the friend he is referring to.

I fell asleep thinking about that place.

When I got up I ate first before taking a bath and getting dressed to go to the company.

I will let them know where I am going and for them to know where I am and not look for me. Maybe we won't stay there for long.

When I was in the company I went to my office and called my secretary.

"Yes ma'am?" she asked hurriedly.

"I'm not here later because I'm going somewhere, when there's a meeting just cancel it and say I went somewhere suddenly. Also tell Papa when he asks where I am tell him I just went somewhere. I'm leaving, please clean up My office and I have an order for a Chanel bag, please just get it from me and name the payment for my credit card, it will be deducted later. That's all bye." I didn't wait for her to answer because I left immediately.

I immediately went out of the company because he said he would pick me up there. He emailed me that he was going.

I don't know why I'm feeling excites but I have to stop that so he doesn't notice me right away.

I'm angry, yes but this is my chance to get there so I'll let go of my anger with him first.

I saw his BMW car so I returned my emotions to seriousness.

I've noticed since we met a few times that I've shown my different emotions, it doesn't seem right, I need to stop it.

Maybe after I can see that place, I won't talk to him anymore.

"Get in." he shouted at me so I rolled my eyes, I walked closer and get in the backseat but he immediately looked at me so I also looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Gagawin mo akong driver mo?" he annoyingly said so I sighed before going again next to his seat.

When he saw that I was sitting properly, he started the engine.

I didn't know what to do so I just leaned my head on the head board and closed my eyes. I'm still sleepy so I yawning. Because of my yawning he looked at me.

"Are you still sleepy?" he asked so I nodded with my eyes closed.

"Sleep first, we'll take a drive thru maybe you want to buy something?" He even asked me about the food so I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"I want burgers and fries and the drink is just water." I said and closed my eyes again, I never heard him speak again.

I felt the car stop so I knew we were going to drive thru. I just ignored that and went back to sleep.

When I woke up we were still moving so I could see where we were going and it looked like we were close to where we were going.

"Eat first, it's noon as if your stomach is full." he suddenly said that's why I looked at him, he was just focused on the road so I had time to look at him.

Nothing has changed since then until now you are still handsome.

"Don't stare at me, the food is in the backseat so eat that." he said so I went back to my senses.

I just took the food in the backseat and didn't say a word. when I got that I ate it right away, it looked like he had already eaten so I didn’t give him any more food.

He just let me eat and didn't say a word.

"We're close so hurry up and eat, when you're done eating, just put the clutter there and I'll take care of it later" he said.

I know...

I'd like to say what's on my mind but I didn't just in case and maybe he'll notice again.

I didn't say a word and just nodded, I hurried to eat even if it was just a burger.

When I finished I immediately put it away and put my food in the backseat.

When I put it in, I looked for the water but I still couldn't find it, when he handed it to me and it was already open, so even though I was embarrassed, I still took it.

It was just a turn and we were close to the place we always used to go.

I looked out the window and many have changed because their house Mang makoy who only sells quail now their house is beautiful, I can't believe because there are so many new things.

I want to cry again but I'm just holding it back.

As we got closer I looked at our old house.

No one before our house is still the same but I wonder why is it still alive? many typhoons came and why is it still alive?

"That's the friend's house I'm telling you about." he said suddenly and then stopped his car. When I looked at that house for a long time, I only remembered my Mama, so I immediately wiped away the tears that had been wanting to drip.

"Hey are you okay?" he was worried about the question so I immediately wiped my face and looked at him.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's go to place what you're saying." I just said that because I can no longer handle my emotions when I continue to see this house.

He also turned it on immediately so I looked out the window again and looked at our old house for the last time.

I just looked at it until it was out of my sight.

I was amazed at what I saw because something had also changed in that area.

It looks even better.

"Welcome to Aria's former comfort zone." he said with open arms.

Season 2: The Truth To Be Told [COMPLETED✓]Where stories live. Discover now