Ch. 10 Sibling Love

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Rose's POV

The final bell rings as I walk out of chorus quietly singing the song we had bee working on. Arebella had stayed behind to ask our chorus teacher, Mrs. Cook, about Allstate. Allstate is this singing thing that you audition for and hopefully make it. And if you make it you get to go to Athens and perform in a choir. Its actually pretty cool. Arebella and I do it every year. As for Sonny, well he is in Computer Science because he is too afraid to sing. Don't get me wrong, Sonny is amazing at Computer Science, but he also has the most amazing voice I have ever heard. He's just too afraid to actually try. I pass the Computer Science room right as Sonny comes out. "Hey how was chorus?" He asks sarcastically. The thing about chorus is that it is the opposite of fun. Now Mrs. Cook, she is the sweetest person ever. It's just the kids in the class that make it bad. About 90% of the class actually does what they are supposed to. Then the other 10% either don't sing, or goof off and make Mrs. Cook lose her cool. "It was fine, Jake got kicked out of class again" I say. "Ha! I knew he would, who actually thinks they can actually draw a dick on the board?" He says doubled over in laughter. " I honestly don't even know anymore." I say back sighing at the idiocy of our classmate. We turn the corner to the lockers and start to open them. "12-14-24." I recite from memory. Before I can even blink, it is slammed shut. "Arebella" I whine. She grins and leans against the other lockers. "Well you did leave me all alone after I talked to Mrs. C" She says and I can't help but give her a sheepish grin. She turns to her locker as I open mine for a second time thanks to Arebella. I open it and start to stuff my bag with ay books I need for homework. I zip my bag, grab my phone and shut my locker as I wait for my friends to get their stuff. Sonny comes from behind me and hugs me tight. "Are you guys ready to watch a full night of sappy chick flicks?" He says with fake enthusiasm. I smile and hit his arm, "yes I am so ready and if you rain on mine or Arebella's parade, it will be the end of you." I say as Arebella walks beside me linking arms while Sonny digs for his phone. "Man I am so ready to fall asleep on your comfortable couch." She sighs contently. Sonny rings Michael to ask if they will have room. " Hey Mike, can we bring one more person home?" "Okay cool thanks bro." He hangs up the phone with a sigh. He turns to us with the fakest smile and girly accent and says. "Yas, girls night!!!" I roll my eyes and walk to where Michael usually picks us up. "If you don't want to watch them, you don't have to come." I say. Sonny scoffs, "Who will eat all the pizza if I don't?" I laugh at this, he actually thinks I can't eat an entire pizza by myself. "Well we are going to have to order at least 4 pizzas then." Arebella cuts with her arms folded. She learned the hard way that Sonny and I will eat until we pass out. A car horn honks and Michael's car comes into view. "Get in before someone see's me carpooling a bunch of 9th graders." He says and we pile in the back. "Jeez Mike calm down I bet all the girls think its cute." Sonny says with a smirk. "Shut your mouth before I shut it for you." Michael says gritting his teeth. "Oh sibling-love, such a wonderfully beautiful thing." I say smiling at the two. Asher gets in and looks at me, "Hey how was school?" He asks. "Fine, I might be getting a Spanish tutor." I say coolly. "Damn Adams how do yall get along so well?" Michael says to Asher. "I don't know, we usually don't. Usually she's a bitch." Asher says with a smirk. I scoff and hit his arm playfully "Ass." Arebella smiles and pulls out her phone. "So is Arebella spending the night?" Asher asks. "Maybe I don't know." I say. "Does mom know?" He asks, "No?" I say with question to my voice. He sighs and shakes his head, "Well I'm not going to be the one to tell her." I look up at him scared out of my wits. Mom hates when we don't tell her about people coming over. Sonny is a different story, he is always here, but other than him she wants to know. "Shoot I kind of forgot about that." I say more to myself than to Asher. "Hey guys we're here" Michael says. We grab our stuff and get out. Asher hauls his football bag higher on his shoulder as he shuts the door. "Thanks dude, see you tomorrow." He says as Michael drives away. I make my way to the door, ready to be screamed at by my mother. "Hi mom we're home." I say with uncertainty to my voice. "Hi sweetie how was school?" She asks as she walks in from the kitchen. Wiping her hands on her flour covered apron. She looks to Arebella and back at me but this time with a less kind look. "Forget to tell me something honey?" She asks. "Um yeah I got a 85 on my math test." I say avoiding the obvious topic. "Hmmm, well I'll call Arebella's mom to tell her she's staying over." She says coolly and walks back into the kitchen waving her hand as she leaves. Confused I look at Sonny and mouth, "What just happened?" He just shrugs in return. As we slowly make our way up the stairs I hear my mom call out. "Oh and honey, next time you forget, your sleeping on the streets." She calls. I smile, there's the mother I love. I run up the rest of the steps and meet my best friends in my room.


Omf it's been so long I am so sorry love Bears, life just been tough lately but I promise to start posting more and if I don't you can hold me accountable. Love yall!! Xoxoxoxo

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