Ch. 7 Secrets and Skittles

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Rose's POV

Almost Immediately I felt every pair of eyes on me. I look around knowing Sonny is in this class and we make eye contact. He give me a confused look and I look down feeling the heat on my cheeks. " It's good to see you decided to join us Mrs. Adams." My English teacher Mrs. Collier says. My cheeks heat up as I stand that rigid and let out less than a squeak I'm sorry. " Why are you late?" She asked question in her voice. " I um, got caught up in the hall." I stutter out wishing I could crawl into a hole and disappear. I must have looked really embarrassed up there because even though she knew I was hiding something she didn't push and let me sit down. " Okay, but don't let it happen again." She says pointing to the empty seat near the door. I gladly take it quickly rushing out of the center of attention. I sigh as I sink deeper into the plastic chair. I don't really see why people say she's so mean. She's a little tough on students who don't work, but she really just wants you to succeed and be happy.

Mrs. Collier starts teaching again and I pull out my binder to take notes. I turn around to where I feel someone poke me and I look back to see Sonny is behind me. He passes me a note and I open it curiously. "Why the hell were you late? Is it that time of the month again??" He asks and I almost choke on my own spit. I compose myself and send Sonny a glare. I hastily write a letter back and give it to him. " First NEVER talk about a girls time of the month like that ever or you will never get a girlfriend, and second I'll tell you later. " He reads it and makes a face of defeat and I smile. Then I hear him chuckle evilly and write down something causing me to curiously turn around. Mrs. Collier clears her throat as I turn around back to the front. " Sonny, Rose, what's going on?" She asks pulling her glasses down to her nose like one of those teachers from the movies. Playing dumb I throw Sonny under the bus. " I have no idea Mrs. Collier, I was sitting here listening when Sonny hit me in the back of my head causing me to turn around." She buys my story and looks at Sonny who is very surprised at what I have done. " Sonny, this is a warning but if I see it happen again, that's a Friday detention." She says seriously turning back around to finish the lesson. Sonny seems taken back and a little confused at what just happen as where I am smirking the biggest smirk I have ever smirked. The rest of the lesson goes by pretty smoothly a couple of kids getting of trouble for talking, another going to the nurse complaining that her head was killing her.

The bell rang quickly after and everyone pilled out heading to their next classes. I picked up my books and headed to the door. As I walked into the now crowded hallway Sonny came up behind me. "Okay really Rose?" He said irritated. I acted dumb again hoping to get on his nerves a little. Aren't I such a good best friend? " I have no idea what you're talking about?" I asked sickly sweet. He look bluntly at me and rolled his eyes. " Whatever, anyway where were you?" He asks question in his eyes. I suddenly think back to the Pops and stiffen. "Um I was just running a little late from Spanish." I lie hoping he will buy it even though I know he won't. "Bullshit, what actually happened?" Sonny asks again a hint of worry in his voice. " Curiosity killed the cat." I say Sonny looks at me amused and says " but satisfaction brought him back." Smiling that he had won this round. I roll my eyes at how easily happy he gets and walk to my locker. " What next?" I ask look for a schedule. " Um, 5 I think, oh fun Math." He says unenthusiastically. I laugh, "well I have my free period so I'll see you later." Sonny groans as he walks to Math.

I throw my binders in grabbing my bag and walking to the café. Once there I order one iced coffee and a chocolate bar. " That'll be 7.50 please." The gloomy cashier says. You can tell by the bags under her eyes and look on her face that she didn't plan to be working in a school café at age 50. I give her the exact change and grab my things saying thank you as I leave the check out line. I walk to my usual booth and set my stuff down. My free period is usually boring since none of my friends have a free period now. I usually come to the café ordering what I usually do and sit in my booth. Other people have a free period now, but its mostly just jocks that I would definitely not talk to. I pull my jacket closer around me as I sip my iced coffee.

Being that it is almost October it's getting cooler here day by day. I pull out my phone and play a game on my phone for about 5 minute before I feel someone walk up. " Hey Rose." A cherry voice says. I look up to see Mason. He is one of the popular guys, but I had him in a group project last year and we kind of became friends. He's really nice and socializes with everyone. " I noticed you were alone and couldn't let a cute little button like you sit here all alone." He says squeezing my cheeks with his hands. I blush heat rising in my cheeks but smile. There is definitely nothing going on between us. He flirts with me as a kind of joke and I just play along. " Well actually you interrupted a great conversation I was having with my imaginary friend Louis." I say smiling. He laughs and sits across from me " Hey Louis you mind if I squish in next to you?" Mason jokes and pulls out his bag of skittles. I smile as the skittles remind me of Sonny. " He don't get all smiley with my skittles, if you wanted to silently rape them you could have asked." He says in a defending tone hugging his skittles tightly around his body. I burst out laughing and he soon joins in. When we finally calm down and make I contact we burst out laughing again. By now the entire café probably thinks we are insane or high. I calm down when one of the cashiers sends me a look. Mason chuckles and then looks up at the clock. " Well it was very nice meeting you Louis, and nice seeing you Avery, but it seems I have to get going." Mason says bowing. I stifle a laugh and reply back. "Twas a pleasure" I say curtsying. Mason walks out and I start to grab my now empty iced coffee and candy bar rapper throwing them both into the trash. I sigh, its people like that that make school actually bearable.


Hey lovebears! I had so much fun writing this chapter because it had Mason in it! Eep. I love him so much. Don't worry this is not the last you will see of him. Anywho now I get to ask this question...

Sonny and Rose?
Danny and Rose?
Mason and Rose?
Who do yall ship???
I love this so much and hopefully I will get some time to update again this week love yall!

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