Ch. 12 Food and movies pt. 2

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Rose's POV
Everyone starts to run to find their spots as I start to count. A slow whole minute goes by and I open my eyes "Ready or not here I come!" I yell hoping everyone hears me. I start the first place I think someone would hide, the kitchen. I make my way around to couch into the kitchen and check all the cabinets and cupboards, sadly I find no one.  I recheck the living room and no one is there either, so I go to check in the basement. I walk down the steps slowly and immediately see the top of a head slightly popping out from behind the dryer. I check the rest of the basement before walking over to the dryer. "Hmmm that's funny I don't remember the dryer having hair, oh wait! Its Sonny." I say as I pull him back up. A pout has formed on his face and his eyebrows are scrunched together. "Its not my fault I'm almost 6 feet." He says. I smile and reach to pat his back, "Its okay, at least your not 5'1." I say. We walk back up the stairs and I head for my mothers office that she rarely uses. I look around and stuff and am about to leave when I hear rustling. I walk back in and head to the cupboard I thought was filled with papers and files. I open it to find a squished Arebella curled into a ball. "How in the world did you fit in there?" I ask. "I didn't" she says simply.  I laugh and lend her a hand to help her get out. "Okay 2 down only 2 to go." I say sighing. I walk out of my room turning off the light as I go, "okay guys where do you think they would have hidden?" I ask. They both look at me with blank expressions and shrug their shoulders. "Wow y'all are so helpful." I say sarcastically. I start to walk to Asher's room and creak the door open. I don't like going into Asher's room. It smells and usually he kicks me out anyway. I look around not fully going in before closing the door. "Haha yeah no I'm really hoping they didn't hide in there because I'm not going in there." I say as I walk to our guest room. I open the door and look around, it seems like no one is in here but why not check right? I walk to the Armoire and open it slowly thinking someone is going to jump out at me. "Ha!" I say as I check. No one is in there and now I just feel stupid. I look cautiously in the bathroom but find no one. Just as I'm about to walk out I feel two cold hands grab my ankles and I scream." I look down to see Asher snickering from under the bed. "What the fuck Asher!" I say half kidding half serious. "Ha calm down sis just playing with you." He says as he gets up and ruffles my hair as he walks past. I scowl at him and follow him out of the room.  "Well I've looked in every room except for mom and dad's room because that's off limits." I say defeated as I still have one member to find. I think for a second before I sigh, "He wouldn't have gone outside would he?" I ask Asher. He looks at me and I sigh again, "yeah okay let's go check outside." I say as I make my way towards the stairs. All of us run walk down them and pile out the front door. We look around before Arebella pauses and points up. We all follow her arm up to find Michael. Sitting on the roof. Asher starts laughing. "Dude how the fuck did you get up there?" He says obviously impressed and slightly upset that he hadn't thought of that. "Well it was easy adding the fact that y'all have a huge ass latter in your back yard." My shoulders slump, oh yeah I forgot about that.

He climbs down and we all walk back into the house. I lean on the back of the couch and look at everyone, "well I found Sonny first so Sonny your it." I say directing the last part towards Sonny. He grumbles something incoherent as he starts counting. I laugh but quickly start as I run to find a hiding spot. I silently run up to my room and start to look around. Where am I going to hide? I ask myself as I walk around opening any drawers or chests I can. I can hear him getting to end of the counting and I panic. I run to my closet and jump into the pile of dirty clothes. I start covering myself in clothes until I think I am completely covered. "Ready or not here I come!" I hear Sonny shout. I go silent and try to stay as still as possible. The clumping of his shoes hit the stairs as he makes his way to the second floor. My door creaks and my heart drops, "come out come out wherever you are." He says trying to imitate some creepy movie. I try not to laugh as I hear him coming closer to the closet door. Closer, closer, closer, until it opens and I stop breathing. I hear him shuffle some things around obviously checking for either Arebella or me because neither Asher nor Michael would come into my closet. He walks past my clothes pile and I think I'm in the clear until I feel a foot connect with my back. "What the hell?" He says jumping back. I can't help but laugh as I remove the clothes on top of me. I look up at him and he lets out a breath, "honestly if my foot hadn't hit you I would've had no idea you were there." He says as he helps me up. I smile boastfully as I picked a good hiding spot. He checks the rest of my room before we head out to check the guest room. He looks around and there's no one in there either. As we are walking downstairs the doorbell rings and I practically run to it remember we ordered pizza. I open the door to find a pretty cute guy holding all of our pizzas. "2 pepperonis and 1 cheese?" he says as he looks up to see me. His hair is a dyed blue but in a cute way, and his eyes are a beautiful brown. "Um-uh yeah, I-I think so thanks." I say rushing as I grab a twenty from my back pocket and grab the pizza. "Thanks keep the change." I say in a rush as I shut the door. Wow, I'm just so great with guys aren't I? Just as I'm turning around Asher grabs the pizza from me and walks into the kitchen. " You have such a way with words." Asher says smirking at me. I stick out my tongue and go to grab a piece. "At least I get more opportunities to than you." I spat back playfully. He pushing my head back and I fall back a little bit, hitting someone's chest. I turn around to see my mother with her arms crossed against her chest and eyebrows raised. " I love you mommy." I say sweetly as I grab my pizza and run to the couch. Arebella and Sonny who sit on either side of me soon join me. "Still way too small." Sonny grumbles as he scoots around on his side of the couch. I laugh as I take a big bite of my pizza.  Michael and Asher grab two boxes and walk downstairs to the basement. "Y'all have school tomorrow so I want you to bed by 2!" My mother yells down to them. I hear some kind of sound in response before the door closes and my brother disappears for the night.

For about 30 minutes we just talk about all kinds of stuff but then I get bored. "Hey guys y'all want to watch a movie?" I say placing my plate down with my 3rd piece of pizza unfinished. "Yeah sure what movie?" Sonny says stretching out his legs. "Lets watch something sweet and sentimental." Arebella says. Sonny scoffs and rolls his eyes "yeah I'm totally down for Titanic." He says sarcastically. "Dick" Arebella says as she places her plate down. I think about movies that are sappy but still really great and one movie comes to mind. "Guys lets watch Forest Gump. I haven't seen it in so long and it's a mix between sappy and funny." I say and start to grab the remote. "Yeah I like that idea, quality movie." Sonny says as he stands up and moves one of the chairs to facing the TV. "Watcha doing Sonny?" I ask.  He turns and stares at me blankly. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm not going to watch a 2 and a half hour movie on that couch if it kills me." He states and sits down. I get up and grab some pillows and blankets and put the movie in. I walk back to the couch as the beginning scene starts to play.

In the last 5 minutes of the movie I'm a crying mess and I look around to see if my friends are too but it seems both of them have fallen asleep. Sonny is lounged out in his chair and somewhere along the movie Arebella moved to the floor and is now laying stomach down on there with a pillow at her head. I laugh but turn my attention to the last scene as it being my favorite. Once it finishes I go up to the TV and turn it off before grabbing two of the blankets I had grabbed in the beginning of the movie and walk back over to Sonny and Arebella. I place one over Sonny and he barely budges. I kneel down to Arebella and when I put the blanket on her she snuggles into it while still staying asleep. I get back up and check that the front door is locked (which it is from my little encounter with the pizza delivery guy earlier) and turn on the alarm. Next I grab the remaining pizza, which consist of 1 piece of pepperoni and 3 pieces of cheese, and wrap them up to put them in the fridge. After I finish that I go to lie down when I hear a faint shout from downstairs. I huff out and trudge to the basement door. I open it and am immediately greeted with the smell of junk food and dirty socks. As I suspected Michael and Asher are still going at it hard-core. But it's only 1 in the morning so I didn't really expect them not to be. "Hey guys can you be kind of quiet? Arebella and Sonny are sleeping right above y'all." I say hoping they don't try to argue. "Why aren't they in your room." Asher asks as he pauses the game and looks at me. "We were watching Forest Gump and they fell asleep." I say. He look at me for a while but then look down and sighs. "Fine I guess were almost done anyway." He says as he lowers the volume to about half. I smile and go over to him and hug him from behind. "Thanks big bro sleep well!." I say kissing his cheek lightly. "Ew gross do not kiss me you incest freak." He childishly says. I smile and roll my eyes, "yeah okay love you too." I say as I walk back upstairs. I shut the door and walk up to my room quietly.  I grab my favorite blanket and start to make my way downstairs when I remember I never did my homework. "Shit." I say quietly as I turn around and walk back to my room. I wasn't really going to sleep at first anyway cause lord knows I don't sleep well so I guess I'll just do it now. I look at my planner and see that I only have English and Math to do. I start and finish my Math homework way to easily as it is my best class and look down to see my English homework. "Read chapters 4-5 of The Odyssey." I say out loud reading off my to do list. I actually really enjoy reading the Odyssey, which makes me sound like a huge nerd, but it's actually really cool. I grab my book and head to my chair. After reading about Greek culture for a good 25 minutes I finish and set my book down. I stretch my arms and legs and finally start to feel tired. I sigh as I change into some pajamas and head back downstairs turning off my light and shutting my door. I walk back to the couch and slowly make my way around my sleeping friends. I pull my blanket close to my face and snuggle into my blanket and in no time I'm out like a light.


Hey babes! I hope y'all like this part of the story, I'm gonna try to update more like I said but who knows right? Anyway like and vote on this story cause it would mean the world to me!!! Thanks love you all,

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