Ch. 8 Doodles

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Rose's POV

After the bell rings signaling my free period was over I grab my bag and walk back into the actual school building and up to my locker, which thankfully was on the first floor. I open my locker and through my stuff in and it is quickly shut. Sonny stands in front of me smirking with a piece of paper in his hand. I curiously reach for it, "what is that let me see." I say as he quickly flicks it away from my reach. "Guess who just got their math test back," he starts. "You?" "ME!" he screams. I chuckle and take the paper. On the front of the test is a big fat 87. " Oh my God Sonny this is amazing!" I screech and tightly hug him. Now Sonny has never been good at math, usually getting C's on the test, so you could imagine why I'm so happy. " I got it back and thought the teacher was shitting me." He smiles and puts the test in his locker. "Wow Sonny I really am so proud of you and I can't wait to see what your mom says." I look at the schedule for today and soon realize I now have math. "Oh goody now I get my test back." I say unenthusiastically. Reopening my locker, I grab my math book and head off to math with Mrs. Marks.

As I walk in I immediately walk to my usual desk and shove my stuff in the desk. Around me there are girls in their own groups talking, gossiping, and chatting and who knows what and the biggest drama. This class consists of mostly popular girls except like 3 people. This is actually the only class I don't have a friend in. In my case it sucks because math is one of my best classes so the teacher really likes me. I'm not complaining though because that means I get good scores on tests. Well, not exactly good, 75's and 80's, but that is still good considering it's math. Also, she is one of my favorite teachers because she is nice and funny even if she still tries to act like a hip teenager. It is quite funny actually because no one likes her, and since she tries to be my friend so bad I just let her. The bell rings and everyone who was standing takes their seats. " Okay class, by now you probably have heard that you get your test grades back." Mrs. Marks says. Everyone groans because it is pretty obvious that the class didn't do well. This was one of the stupider classes when it came to Math. Don't get me wrong there were some smart girls who should be moved up into the next class, but most of the girls here aren't really how do you say, interested, in there studies. "No need for the moaning girls, these tests were actually pretty good considering the last test." Mrs. Marks trails off at the end. Last test the class average was a 69%. Like I said before, we are just great at math. Mrs. Marks starts handing them out and I worry it won't be very good. The test is placed on my desk and I grab it dreading the number I will see. A whopping 95% is bright red on the top right corner. "Holy shit." I say loud enough for only me to hear. I break out in a giant grin as I start my test corrections. It only takes about 10 minutes to finish them and I turn them in. Usually I would get it signed but if you get over a 90, you don't have to get it signed. For the rest of the class, I sat and draw on my notepad until the bell rings. When the bell rings I grab my stuff and walk out of the classroom and down the stairs to my locker. I soon realize it's lunch when my stomach growls. Sonny walks up casually from English and starts to open his locker. "SONNY!!!" I scream and he drops his binder. "Jesus Rose what the hell?" He says as he bends down to pick up his binder. "Guess what I got on my Math test!" I say a smile appears on his face. "I'm guessing better than me." He says with a smug smile. "Maybe..." I say feeling slightly embarrassed now. "I'm kidding Rose God just show me!" he says with a chuckle. "Oh haha um, so look for yourself," I say awkwardly handing him the paper. He opens the test and his mouth drops, "Holy shit Rose!" I grin and grab the test back. "I remember you telling me you studied but I didn't expect this!" He says laughing. "Ha well I am just surprised as you are but I'm also really hungry so lets go to lunch." I say as Arebella comes running up. "Hey guys sorry I'm slow, I was on the other side of the campus since I had my free period I was running and it took forever to change." She breathes out and I chuckle. "Okay, okay don't have a heart attack we'll wait." I say amused. She throws her change of running clothes back in her locker before we head off to lunch.


Hey lovebears!
Sorry this is such a lame chapter it's just a filler I promise the next one will be a little better.

So here's the question of the day...

If you had three wishes what would the be?

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