Ch. 13 Wake Up Call

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Rose's POV

"Oh Rose I've never felt this way about anyone before." He said quietly as he held me close to his heart. I smiled and squeezed tighter around his body as if the minute I let go he would leave me. I had no idea where we were but it seemed like we were somewhere near the ocean because I could hear the faint sound of the waves crashing upon the sea. "This right here if what I live for." He says again, a little quieter this time so that only we can hear it - even though we are the only ones here. I look up at him and smile even bigger "This is perfect Danny, I just wi-" beeping cuts me off. It gets louder and louder until...

I spring awake as I think about my odd dream that has just occurred. I look around to see that I am still on the couch where I fell asleep. I see Arebella Tossing and Turning as the beeping continues. I look down to see my phone slightly moving on the table and I pick it up to see my alarm going off. I quickly turn it off so it doesn't so abruptly wake up my friends.  I walk over to where Arebella is and shake her lightly. "Heyy." I say quietly my voice still a little raspy from waking up. "Wake up its time to get ready for school." I say shaking her a little harder. She moves a little, but not enough to tell me she is awake. I blow air out as I stand up and get a pillow. "You've made me come to this Arebella." I say with the pillow raised above my head ready to strike. "Don't even think about it." I hear her say right before I hit her. I stifle a light laugh and put the pillow down as I go to Sonny. I repeat the same thing with him, but he doesn't even move. I grab the pillow again and walk over to him. Meanwhile Arebella is getting up and putting the blanket and pillow back in the basket. I slowly count to three and the BAM. Sonny jolts up and looks around. "What the hell?" He asks. I smile sweetly trying to hide the pillow behind my back. "I have no idea, I think it was Arebella." I say look over at Arebella who looks up at the mention of her name. "Mmmhmm. Sure." Sonny says with his arms crossed and looking at me. "Give me another like 4 hours." Sonny says readjusting in the chair. "Nooo we have school today, and we need to leave in like 45 minutes." I say. He looks up bewildered. "45 minutes?! Why the hell would you wake me up that early I only need like 10!" he says going right back down. I roll my eyes, "no wonder your hair is never brushed." I say and go to walk upstairs with Arebella.

When we get into my room I go straight to my closet to see what I want to wear today. Arebella stumbles in and walks to the bathroom. "Hey I'm gonna take a shower so yeah." She says groggily shutting the door to the bathroom. "Okay, but beware, the water gets hot really fast." I say as I open the closet door looking AZin. I hear the shower turn on and soon after a squeal follows. I laugh, "I told you it gets hot fast." I hear some kind of mumble in return but don't hear words. I look into the mess I call my closet and pull out my soft grey tank top and some black skinny jeans. I place them on my bed and then go to my underwear drawer. I grab my cheetah print bra (which is very comfortable) and my teal blue undies and get change quickly. I tuck my shirt into my jeans slightly to where it is tucked in but loose, and then I grab my socks and Doc Martins and put those on. As I lace up my boots I hear someone come up the stairs. "Michael I'm taking a shower so go eat or something I don't care." I hear Asher say. Well I'm glad to know he's up but I'm surprised Sonny hasn't woken up yet. I walk over to my desk and grab a hair-tie and throw my hair up into a loose, sloppy ponytail. I'm putting on my bracelets when I hear the water to the shower stop. "Hey, where is your hair dryer." Arebella says from the bathroom. "It's in here, I'll bring it to you." I grab the hair dryer and walk into the bathroom where Arebella is standing combing through her hair with her fingers. "Thanks babe." She says and I roll my eyes, "Yeah your welcome now move over I need to get ready too." I say and hip bump her slightly. I grab my make up and stuff and walk back into my room closing the door on the way out. I sit down in front of my mirror and start to do my makeup. I stay light on the concealer but decide to put on winged eyeliner and bright red lipstick. Once I'm satisfied with my look I get up and start to get together my bag. I put all my books in and also decide to put my charger in as well. I zip up my bag and set it on my bed right as Arebella walks out of the bathroom. "Hey I just realized I have no clothes," she starts. I smile and stand up from my bed, "Well it's not like I have a closet full of clothes right there." I say playfully. She smiles and comes over to hug me still in her towel; "thanks you're the best!" she says and starts to walk towards my clothes. She grabs her undies and bra (from her designated spot in my drawer) and goes to put those on. Honestly, at this point we are so close there aren't really any boundaries anymore, which can be good and bad. "Will you pick something out for me while I do my make up?" She says sitting down at my mirror. "Yeah sure." I say excited that I get to pick out her clothes. I walk over to my closet and think what looks like Arebella. I end up choosing a jade halter-top and a black mini-skirt along with some black knee socks and her tattered up black boots. I lay it out on the bed as she finishes her make up. "Oh my gosh I love it!" She exclaims as she picks up the top. "Okay I'm gonna get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs." She says as she starts to get dressed. "Okay cool, I'm making cereal by the way." I say as I grab my bag from the bed. She nods her head as she is putting on the mini-skirt that isn't too tight but isn't too flowy.

I walk out of the room shutting the door behind me and make my way downstairs. There I see Asher and Michael already eating and dressed. I look at my clock and see that we have 15 left. I better wake up Sonny. I walk to the chair where I left him and he has moved to the couch. How he manages to stay asleep I have no idea, but I am thoroughly jealous. I walk to the edge of the couch where Sonny's head is until I am parallel with him and bend down to the same height as his head. I get really close to his face and then yell. "SONNY WAKE UP!!!" I scream. He opens his eyes as if not phased by my scream but jumps back a little when he sees how close I am. "Whoa chill I was about to get up." He says with his eyes still half closed. "Sure okay, well hurry cause you got 10 minutes to eat and get ready." I say walking away as he gets up. "Asher can I borrow something? I promise I'll return it." He says turning around to face Asher. Asher sighs, "Yeah sure I don't care just turn off the light and close the door when your done." He says and Sonny walks up the stairs. I walk over to the pantry and open it to see what we have available. "I swear if you don't start telling your friends to start bringing their own clothes I'm gonna have to let them go naked to school." He says sighing. I laugh and grab the captain crunch from the top shelf, having to reach a little to get it. Once I do, I make four bowls, one for me one for Arebella and two for Sonny. I set them on the counter and lean against it as I eat my bowl. "So how late did yall actually stay up after I went down there?" I ask expecting the worst. "Actually about 30 minutes after that because I was tired and Michael was tired of losing." He says simply. Michael shoots him a glare, "Ha you wish bro I beat you so bad." He says cockily taking a huge bite of his cereal. I hear clumps of shoes come down the stairs and look up to see Arebella walking down looking as flawless as ever in the outfit I picked out. "My oh my Arebella don't you look cute, your so fashionable." I say matter-of-factly. "Yeah well I try." She says as she grabs her bowl of cereal and starts eating. We're talking about classes when Sonny comes down looking pretty decent (except his hair) and makes a v line for his cereal. "Okay so what class do we have first ladies." He says taking massive bites of his cereal. "I think we have period 6 first, which is History for me." I say finishing the last bite of my cereal. He thinks for a second before grimacing. "That's math for me." He says. I smile and put up my bowl before going upstairs to brush my teeth.

Once I get up there I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth. I finish and look up to see my reflection staring back at me. You know that song Mulan sings when she's in the gazebo? Yeah that's how I feel when I look in the mirror. I quickly take one more look at myself before going back downstairs. By the time I'm downstairs everyone is ready to go and are grabbing their things. I grab my bag and my phone and walk to Arebella who is standing by the door. "You ready for another day of school?" I ask with fake enthusiasm. "Yeah totally!" She says her voice high pitched and fake. I see my mom walk down the stairs and walk over to her. I feel bad leaving her all alone in the house today. On Tuesdays my mom doesn't work and since my dad is on a business trip, she's going to be very lonely. "Hey mom thanks for being cool with them coming over." I say hugging her tightly. "Of course sweet heart, just not tonight okay?" She says sweetly. I smile and nod my head as the boys come down. I look around and realize Sonny is missing. "Sonny!" I yell look around for him. "I'm coming I'm coming don't leave me." He says running into the room. "Sorry I was in the bathroom." He grabs his bag from the ground and puts it on his shoulder. "Off to school we go." I say and everyone groans. Michael opens the door and everyone says their goodbyes to my mom. Asher goes up to her and gives her a warm hug and kisses her cheek. "Bye love you mom." He says walking out. I go up and give her a quick but sincere hug, "bye love you so much mom." I say kissing her cheek as well. "Love y'all too!" She says as I close the door behind me. We all walk to the car and pile in wishing we didn't have to go to school.


Hey babes, hope y'all like this chapter!!! Trying to update regularly if you can tell ;) and when I say regularly I mean pretty constantly not like on a schedule or anything. Anywho I hope y'all still love my story cause I still love y'all. Like and comment and vote if you want but it would mean a lot.

Lots of love,

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