Ch. 3 Spanish n Shit

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Rose's POV

I grab my jacket tighter as we walk through the halls. First off Sonny and I aren't in the popular crowd, or the liked crowd for that matter. Being a freshman doesn't help that fact either. Juniors and seniors are pushing their way past us as if we don't exist. But I'm used to it by now. It's the 2nd month of high school and so far I hate it. " So what class is first today?" Sonny asks as we come to our lockers. I check my schedule and groan. "Spanish ugggg." Sonny just laughs. Its not that I don't like Spanish its just that I transferred last year from French and so far I'm seriously struggling. Sonny said I should have stayed in French but I didn't listen. "Did you do the homework?" he asks but I know he already knows the answer. " Yeah what I could do, which was like none of it." I say with an unhappy look on my face. He just grins and looks down, "here let me help you" he says as he always does. Before we can get anywhere I feel someone jumping on my back causing me to loose my balance and tumble over. I fall and the person on my back squeals giving away who it is. I turn around already knowing who the culprit is. " Arebella" I say with a smile across my face. I face my blue hair freak best friend and punch her lightly in the arm. " Hey loser." Arebella says as she links arms with Sonny and I. Embarrassed, Sonny immediately lets go and stuffs his hands in his pockets. We started walking to the Spanish room when I bump into my friend Charlie, he's in the 11th grade but I still know him from middle school. Almost all the students from the middle school I went to come here for high school so I know a lot of people in the grades above, and Charlie is one of those. He has brown hair and blue eyes, and he's really funny. He's in the same grade as Asher, they play football together but other than that Asher doesn't really know him. But I know him personally from Allstate. Allstate is a singing thing I do. Sonny opens the door and all 3 of us walk in together since we all take Spanish. I look at the clock on the inside wall and it reads 7:45, awesome we have exactly 15 minutes. Even better I have my Spanish teacher, Mr. Abano, as my advisor so we have a pretty good relationship. Sonny and Arebella are also in the advisory making it just perfect. In the room there are a good amount of people in here since we have a test in 2 days. There is a group of popular guys in the corner laughing away about something and probably doing no work at all. All of them are in my grade and I know them pretty well. I don't know them personally or anything, I just know them from school and stuff. I notice Danny, one of the more popular ones, staring at me. He's also in our advisory but I rarely see him because he always comes to school right in time for first period. I'm surprised he's here this early, it's almost a miracle. We make eye contact and he immediately breaks the stare and goes back to laughing with his friends. Sonny and Arebella put their stuff down and I go to the teacher's desk to as him a question. I come up to his desk and immediately throw my self down in the chair next to his desk. " Good morning Rose, how did it go last night?" Mr. Abano says. He looks up from his computer and smiles and warm smile at me. He is in his early 20s, one of the youngest teachers, and is one of my favorite teachers. He's funny and really connects to the students, especially me. Since I transferred last year, I haven't been doing to well, and we usually have these moments every morning. I try to come to tutorial when I can but it doesn't really help. " I'm doing pretty well, except for the fact that I had no idea what was going on in my homework last night." I say as I sheepishly smile at him. He just laughs and takes the lightly written on work sheet out of my hand. " Well first off that's where your name goes, not the date." He says with amusement in his voice. I can hear Sonny having a fit in the background. " Oh, dang." I say very embarrassed. "Its okay, just here let me show you before you get started." He pulls my chair closer to his and we are almost touching arms. This is not one of those things where it's like a student teacher relationship haha no he has a girlfriend, but I will say he is pretty good looking. I can almost feel a pair of eyes on me as I lean in closer to understand. I finally get it and do it quickly with few flaws. " There you go your getting the hang of it!" Mr. Abano says excitedly. I smile contently since I now know I have a possibility of not failing the test. As I'm walking back to Sonny and Arebella I can feel a pair of eyes on me and turn to see Danny staring at me again. What the heck is there something on me? I subconsciously look down and I can see him stifling a laugh. Wtf?! Now very insecure, I walk back to my friends as I take my seat in our usual corner near the door. The bell rings signaling homeroom and the rest of our advisory slowly starts to come in as kids from morning tutorial leave to go to their advisory's.


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