Ch. 5 Partners and Packets

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Rose's POV

"Alright class that's the bell, take your seat." Mr. Abano says walking up to the front of the classroom. I sighed getting out my binder for the endless notes I will have to go over a million times to get. " Today, we are going to talk about an upcoming project we will start after the Test. And after that we will practice for the test." Mr. Abano tells us "Lucky for you all we do not learn anything new today." He says smiling. I smile actually excited for class. " So about the project," He starts. " You and a partner, who I will choose, will create a reenactment of a scene that you pick out of a hat." " We will start the day after the test and continue on this for the next week." An eruption of cheers sound throughout the room and I smile even bigger. Having a partner means I have less of a chance of failing. The only problem is who the partner is. Hopefully it will be either Sonny or Arebella. If not, well my partner is not going to be happy. "Okay I will assign the partners at the end of class but for the time being, I want everyone to get into groups of three and make a study guide for the rest of the class to vote for at the end of class. And do well, this is the only study guide you get." Mr. Abano says strolling back to his desk as people partner up and start on the document. I turn to Sonny and Arebella who are already setting the outline up. I scoot my chair closer watching Arebella curser quickly fly across the page as she types flawlessly. "Rose, can you come here?" Mr. Abano calls. I start to get up, feeling a pair eyes watching me. I look around the room and lock eyes with Danny, he immediately looks down and this time im the one to smirk. Wait what? Where did all this courage come from? I don't even socialize with people like that I can't be smirking at them. I quickly walk up to Mr. Abano's desk and stand there. " Yes Mr. Abano?" I ask worried I have done something bad. Or am failing so bad he's putting back in French. That is my worst fear. " Well, as you know Rose, your not doing very well in this class..." He starts to speak quieter at the end. Well shit I knew it. Back to French I go where everyday is like hell. " So I was thinking," He starts again. " I know you try hard and since I'm not always available I think it would be a great idea to get a tutor." He looks me in the eyes searching for emotion. I've never had a tutor. I've always had pretty decent grades, except for Spanish of course. " Well I guess that would be a good idea." I say thinking Sonny could tutor me. That way it's not weird and I'm pretty sure he's decent at Spanish. " Sonny could always tutor me." I smile a little thinking this could be good. " Actually I was thinking one of the top students. Not that Sonny isn't good at Spanish, but you could really benefit from some of the best in the class." He says speaking questionably. He is one of those teachers who remembers what is was like in high school. So he really understands how clichés work, and he doesn't put up with any of that shit. I love it. He always has my back, and knows I don't have many friends and that's what makes him so great. He's really nice to me and talks to me when I don't have anyone to talk to. I sigh thinking I really do need to bring my grade up. " Okay I guess..." I say hesitantly. A smile grows on his face. " Fabulous, I will arrange a tutor for you in the next day or so." I smile back sweetly even though I'm not too happy. I walk back to my seat to find out that Arebella and Sonny are already finished with the study guide. I smile sheepishly at them. " Sorry guys." I say. They look at each other and then back at me. " Seriously though Rose, its fine you probably couldn't help anyway." Arebella says. She's exactly right though. I would have sat there throwing out the worst ideas possible. I bet they are kind of glad Mr. Abano called me over. " Okay class lets see all of the study guides." Mr. Abano says picking all of them up. The class votes and ends up picking ours. "Okay this one does look great, I will print it and give it to y'all tomorrow in class." The bell rings and people start to pack up. " And don't forget to study. I'll just give y'all your partners tomorrow. And have a nice day!" He rushes


Hey lovebears! The next chapter was so much fun to make, I'm so excited to put it up! Who do yall think is going to be her tutor? Any ideas? I know hahahahaha. You'll just have to wait *laughs evilly and ends up choking on own spit* okay okay I'm just gonna leave now...

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