Ch. 6 The Pops

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Rose's POV

I opened my locker and threw my Spanish stuff in and grabbed my English binder, laptop, and pencil pouch. Looking up at the clock I only had 1 more minute to get upstairs and in my seat. "Shoot." I say to myself as I slam my locker and start to run. Shortly after I and forcefully thrown to the ground and my stuff scatters everywhere. I look up about to cuss out whoever pushed me when I realize who it is. " Crap." I breathily say quietly and suddenly feel diminished. It was the populars. Now in most schools the populars aren't as bad as you would think, but oh these girls were different. If you crossed them you must have had a death wish or something, and if looks could kill, well, lets just say I'm definitely going to be late to class. I could easily name them off in order from left to right. There was Virginia, Lola, Abby, Alice, and Jessica. " Watch where your walking!" Alice says. She's the girl guys go to when they need a little company if you know what I mean. She has golden brown hair that almost reaches her butt and super blue eyes that are cold and maniacal. She is a cold-hearted bitch that cares about know one and knows everything about everyone. I shiver under the look she's giving me as I start to grab my books. " What do you think your doing?" another girl spats. Her name is Jessica and she is basically a twig. She kicks the book away from me and smirks. I really look at the clock and realize there are 15 seconds left. " Aw look girls the freak thinks she's going to be late to class." The main bitch, Abby, says. Glaring down at me she says " Well guess what? You are going to." I sigh and not trying to be snarky just curious asks, " What about y'all? Aren't y'all going to be late too? I know you don't need that on your already "perfect" record." Okay I will admit the last part was a little rude but I was getting annoyed even though I know that was the wrong move. Abby scoffs and slowly starts to walk about but not before she can pick up my book and throw it in the nearest trashcan. The bell rings and she smirks up to the speaker. Her and her posy leave laughing as they walk through the front door of the school. Are they just ditching? I wouldn't be surprised if they were but testing was this week and if they miss those, it's going to be serious. Slowing getting back up and grabbing my things I walk to English. There is no reason to run to English now. As I stalk towards the stairs I wonder why those girls act like that. Not all of them must like to make people miserable, do they? What am I saying, they are evil, purely horrible people with no soul. I slowly make my way up the 2 flights of stairs groaning as I get to the top. Fun, now I get to walk into English 5 minute late and best part, I have to explain why. Trudging to the door, I stop and think would it be really bad if I just skipped? I'm already late, there's no real reason I should go. Then I think of my parents, they would kill me if they found out. Wiping any idea of skipping I open the door udder embarrassment washing over me.


Hi lovebears! I hope you like this story so far, I'll do an authors note every chapter or so. What do you think of the populars? Whose your favorite? I love them all!

Question of the day:

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I would go to Australia ;)

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