Ch. 11 Guardians and Games

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Rose's POV

"So what do you guys want to do?" Sonny asks as I sit on my beanbag in the corner. Sonny has situated himself on my bed, obviously making himself  right at home. Arebella is sitting indian style on the floor checking something on her phone before locking it and putting it away. "Can we get some food?" Arebella asks. "Yeah sure I could go for some snacks" I say as I get up from my position. We all leave the room and go downstairs to scavenge for food when Asher walks in. "Hey don't come into the basement, Michael and I are down there." He says and walks to the cabinet. I roll my eyes as I walk up beside him. "I can't promise anything." I say grabbing the chips and slapping his butt as I walk away. "Fuck you." He says over his shoulder. I smile and walk to the freezer. Sonny Is looking in some cabinet for who know what and grabs an Oreo. I look over to see Arebella staring at Asher as he walks downstairs. She makes eye contact with me and I smirk, "What will I do with you." I sigh and she blushes. I open the freezer and look at the content. "Do y'all want vanilla or chocolate." I ask. "Vanilla"  "Chocolate" they both say at the same time. "Okay both then" I say as I grab but quarts of ice cream and shut the door with my hip. Arebella hops off the table and grabs the chips as we walk towards the living room. I put the cartons down on the coffee table and sit on the 3 person couch. Arebella walks over and lays the chips down as she sits to my right. I grab the remote as Sonny flops over the couch and down next to me. "Why don't you have more comfy seating in your living room?" Sonny complains as he squirms on the edge. "You can always sit on the ground, I hear its very comfortable." I say and he groans even louder. "Damn we forgot drinks." He says and I look to see that we indeed did. "Okay, well go get some then." I say. He groans "but I'm already so comfortable." I sigh and get up, "I'm only getting up because I'm an amazing friends, and I'm thirsty." I say.

I make my way towards the basement door and open it. "HA you bastard now your dead I win." I head Michael say. I stomp extra loud down the stairs and when I get to the bottom of the stairs I barely have time to react before a pillow hits my face. "Hey!" I say at whoever threw the pillow. "Didn't I tell you not to come down here?" Asher says a hint of irritation in his voice partly to the fact that he just died again. "Damn man, I thought you said black ops was your game?" Michael says with a hint of a smirk. "Fuck off Michael" Asher says. I smile and walk over to the fridge, "Language Asher." I say even though I'm being hypocritical. "And I'm just down here to get some drinks" I say opening the door. I grab a 6 pack of sprites and shut the door. I look back at the screen and see the stats of the game. "Wow Asher you really do suck." I say as I run up the stairs to avoid the second pillow being thrown at me. As I walk up the stairs and shut the door behind me I hear my favorite movie playing. "Oh my gosh fuck yes." I say as I run back to the couch. "Why did y'all start the movie without me?" I say setting the drinks down and going back to my previous position. "Cause I was getting bored." Sonny says simply. "I was gone for maybe 1 minute at most." I say simply as Peter Quill dances onto the screen.

About half way through the movie, everyone is done with the ice-cream so I get up to put it up. As I walk to the Kitchen a thought crosses my mind. I wonder if Danny likes Guardians of The Galaxy? Wait What? Where the hell did that thought come from. I shake my head and open the freezer door. I put the ice-cream up and shut the door as I walk back to the movie. I look at the clock and see it says 5:30. I wonder what Danny is doing right now. I think. Okay I have no idea where these thoughts are coming from but they need to stop. I can't afford to be thinking about him and his gorgeous face. Wait no shit thats not stopping. I sigh internally and make my way back to the couch to see Sonny's legs sprawled out in my spot. "Move your feet you fat ass" I say smiling. "No, you left so now its my spot." He says childishly. I sigh and sit on the ground with my against the couch. 30 minutes later the door opens and mom walks in. "Hi mom" I say keeping my eyes glued on the screen as my favorite scene starts. "Hi sweetie, I see you ate most of the chips." She says. I smile at her sheepishly and turn my attention back to the screen. "Sorry." I say. She sighs and goes to the kitchen to put something up. "Are Asher and Michael downstairs?" She asks. This time Sonny responds. "Yes m'am." He says. "Thanks, and Hello Sonny." She says. He smiles and say hello. "Hi Arebella how are you? Oh Im good thanks." Arebella says. I laugh and mom comes over to the couch. She gives Arebella a hug, "Hello Arebella, its nice to see you." Mom says. She comes to where I am and Kisses my head. "Hi baby, are you just gonna ignore me?" She says with a smile. "Mom, I love you but this is the best part" I say. She sighs as she gets up "I endured the pain of child birth and this is what I get?" She says playfully. "Love you mom!" I say as she walks back to the kitchen. She grabs her bag and walks up stairs to probably get away from all the kids in her house.

"You said it yourself bitch, we're the Guardians of the Galaxy." My favorite character says right before they defeat the bad guy. "Yes! Best line in the entire movie right there ladies and gentlemen." I say as the basement door opens revealing Michael and Asher. "Who ended up wining the game?" I asked behind my shoulder. "Asher ended up winning after I spilt something on my shirt, but thats the only reason." Michael says defensively. "Yeah and the fact that you suck monkey balls." Asher says. Sonny laughs and I roll my eyes "Always so creative Asher." I say as the credits start to play. Arebella gets up and stretches her legs as I do the same. "Well, what do y'all guys want to do now?" I ask as Sonny stays sprawled out on the couch. "We could play a game?" Arebella says. I consider what games we could play and a thought comes to mind, "lets play Hide and Seek!!!" I say enthusiastically. Arebella agrees and Asher rolls his eyes "What are you Rose, 8? At least play hide and seek tag." I smile and walk up to him. "Are you saying you and Michael will play?" I ask hoping he says yes. "Game on." He says staring me dead in the eyes. We all play rock paper scissors to see who has to count and it ends up being me. "Great, okay everyone rules are no leaving the house, and you have to count to 60." I say as I start to shut my eyes.


Oh my goodness guys I am so sorry, I haven't had a way to write in so long and I'm so sorry!! But I promise I'm getting my laptop on Tuesday so I will definitely update more, and this time I promise cause this laptop is permanent. I love you guys so much and am so sorry for the delay. Thanks for staying with the story and I promise its gonna get better real soon...

Love y'all so much,


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