Chapter 16. The aftermath

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Rose's POV

An hour or two later I finish all my homework and put my books down. The place where I had been sitting is warm and is a little bit indented. I get off my bed and walk towards my electric keyboard in the corner of my room. I got it for Christmas 3 years ago when I wouldn't stop bugging my parents about it. I turn it on and start to play an all too familiar tune that used to be Cody's song. I sing the words, as I am lost in the music:
"Summer has come and pass
The innocence can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Become who we are
As my memory rest
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends..."

I finish the song and feel hot tears rolling down my face. I sigh, "Fuck." I turn off the keyboard and walk to the sink. I turn the sink on and put it on the coldest setting. "Wake up Rose, Wake up." I say in the mirror as I splash myself with water for the second time. This time I decide to put makeup on to stop myself from crying. I walk back into my room and grab my phone then turn around and make my way back to the bathroom. I look up a pretty make up tutorial that I won't want to mess up by crying and then start on it.

When I get the eye make up as perfect as I'm going to get it, I look at myself in the mirror. I'm very boring. With my green eyes and brown hair. But then there are things about me that aren't as dull; like my freckles or my tiny teeth. Not saying that these things make me look good but at least it's something different. The makeup I chose to wear makes my eyes pop, its gold and brown, glad I have nowhere to go. I brush my hair and tame it from the tangled mess it has become from my hands pulling and running through it. My lips are tainted with a dark shade of red because well, I'm obsessed with red lipstick. I take one last look at the mirror and walk out of the bathroom. I look around my room thinking of something to do. I settle with cleaning up because honestly my room looks like shit. I trudge over to my shelf still in a low mood. I start by taking everything off of it and dusting it up real nice. Then I put everything back in its place and taking the things like fly papers that I can through away.
About 20 minutes pass when I hear the front door open and close. "Hey kids I'm home!" Mom says. I look at the clock thinking she was going to have a girl's night out. It reads 11:00, my eyes widen, and shit has it really been that long? I haven't even thought about dinner or anything. At that very thought, as if on queue, my stomach growls loudly. I huff and grab my phone. Walking over to my door my stomach growls again. Geez, how did I not notice until now? I open and shut my door and make my way down stairs. "Hi mom." I say trying to avoid too many questions. "Hey sweetie how was school?" She asks. I open the fridge and scan it for anything as I answer, "as good as school can be." I say generically. I find left over pizza and decide that will do. I also grab a pudding cup because I feel like being extra healthy. I crouch down and grab a water bottle from beside the fridge. "How was girls night out? You're usually out a little later." I say making light conversation. She nods from the table, "Yeah it was good, but Karen had to take her dog to the hospital because it got a hold of the chocolate." She says chuckling a little. I smile and walk over to her. "Well I think I'm going to go to bed, I'm pretty tired." I say half hugging her. "Love you." I say into her hair. "I love you too sweetheart." She replies. "Oh by the way, your father's trip got switched up, he's coming tomorrow!" She says excitedly, "I got the call on the way home." She says. It's actually quite cute how much they love each other. I smile, "Oh yay." I say honestly and hug her one last time. "Goodnight." I say walking to the stairs. "Goodnight sleep well." Mom says over her shoulder.

When I get into my room and shut the door I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. Whenever days like this happen, seeing my parents or anyone right after is really awkward even if they don't realize it. I walk to my bed and set my food out on the sheets. Usually I wouldn't put food on the bed but I need to wash my covers anyway so might as well. I grab my laptop and start writing. I like to write music and sometimes my best songs come from nights I can't deal with myself. I write for a little bit longer while finishing my make shift dinner. Sooner or later I stretch and decide I really am tired. I shut my laptop and grab my trash. I walk over to the bathroom and throw away the trash from dinner. I then wash my face and brush my teeth and all of that jazz. Once I'm finished I decide what I'm wearing will do as pajamas. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and go to my light. I turn it off and basically fall into my bed. I put my laptop on the floor and snuggle into my covers. Snuggling into covers after a long night is possibly the best thing ever. I check my phone once before plugging it in. No new messages as usual, since I'm just so popular. I stare at the wall for a little bit but before I know it sleep is overtaking me and I'm out like a light.


Okay so this one is actual trash but it's kinda a filler so that's why it's so short and horrible anyway, thanks for reading.
Love yall so much,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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